only 200 years ago, women were treated like property, and most wife beatings were seen as a private matter.
the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder does NOT include Battered Woman Syndrome, Rape Trauma Syndrome, or Battered Spouse Syndrome.
at times, juries deliberately decide to ignore, disregard, or go beyond the law because doing otherwise would violate the moral conscience of the community. this action is known as:
jury nullification
compared with 12-person juries, 6-person juries, on average:
reach verdicts that are less predictable
in which of the following conditions would a defendant by judged more harshly?
when the defendant used his or her attractiveness to commit the crime
research on expert testimony's effect on jurors found that the most persuasive testimony meets all the following criteria, except:
it is complex
research on inadmissible evidence indicates that:
neither judges nor jurors are able to disregard inadmissible evidence
the process by which jurors change their opinions because of compelling arguments from other jurors is known as:
informational influence
which of the following is NOT a stage in the deliberation process?
closed conflict
which of the following is most strongly correlated with jury verdicts?
the strength of the evidence
which of the following states requires judges to pre-instruct juries?
about research on inadmissible evidence, what is incorrect?
the judge's instructions to disregard inadmissible evidence do not affect jurors' decisions
Lenore Walker has identified several characteristics that she thought most battered women shared. what is not a characteristic she listed?
sexualpromiscuity outside of marriage
studies that analyzed verdicts reached in cases of battered women who killed their husbands or partners, found that thevastmajority of the women were convicted, and expert testimony on BWS didnothavemuchinfluence
judicial nullification instruction can best be described as an instruction that lets jurors know that they can disregard strict interpretation of the law if that legal interpretation would result in an unjust verdict.
regarding the scientific validity of BWS, what is incorrect?
there has been a great deal of follow-up research to support the validity of BWS
the battered woman syndrome is intended to explain a lot, but it doesn't explain why the woman would stay with the abuser.
the use of BWS in courts continues unabated though BWS has been widely criticized and seen as controversial by the scientific community.
unlike BWS and RTS, what is an established medical condition listed in the DSM-5?
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
although the tender year doctrine has been abandoned, most courts decisions about child custody award custody to the mother.
as a rule, children of divorced parents experience problems most acutely:
during the year or twofollowing the divorce
child custody issues may require the expertise of a psychologist to assist the court in deciding the fate of a child after the parents' divorce. physicalcustody refers to how much time a child spends with each of the parents.
considering the child first and foremost in a custody decision has been reinforced by the establishment of the:
the best interestofthechild standard
Esther is a psychologist who has been working for the past year as a therapist with one of the parents currently going through a bitter divorce. she would be ethically required to abstain from conducting a custody evaluation on behalf of the court in this case because:
it would be hard for her toremainobjective
in custody decisions, the approximation rule states that the child should:
remaininplacement that is true to the caretaking relationships that existed before the divorce
research has demonstrated that sexismorgenderbias is more likely to influence decision-making in custody cases when the guidelines for custody are vague.
what is an accurate statement that reflects the current state of knowledge about parental alienation syndrome (PAS)?
it has not been confirmed scientifically because there is not enough researchdata to support its existence
a majority of children whose parents divorce:
manage to adapt and grow into psychologically healthy adults
Kathryn's parents recently got divorced. during the hearing for custody, it was determined that her mother would have legal and physical custody. this type of custody is known as:
sole custody
there are several tests commonly used by psychologists in child custody evaluations. research studies show that:
these tests do not help to predict the best custody arrangement for the child
based on MacKinnon's typology, a form of sexual harassment is creating or failing to prevent a work atmosphere that is so contentious that victims cannot carry out their job responsibilities. this type of sexual harassment is referred to as:
hostile environment
based on MacKinnon's typology, the type of unwelcome sexual advances in the form of an explicit exchange, where a threat against a job or promotion is made unless the victim complies sexually, is called:
quidproquo harassment
even if a plaintiff in a sexual harassment case can prove that he has been consistently subjected to unpleasant and offensive remarks, gestures, and touching from male colleagues, he must have also:
reported these problems to the employer
harassment is considered more serious if the harasser is:
the victim's superior
plaintiffs in sexual harassment cases must prove that the unwelcome verbal or physical behaviors against them unreasonably interfered with their job performance, and that the employer knew but did nothing about the harassing conduct.
studies have shown that the most likely targets of harassment are:
young, unmarriedwomen
the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC), was established to enforce Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964). this commission states that employers must maintain a work environment that is free from all of the following practices, except:
sexual relationshipsamongemployees
concerning mediation in child custody cases, what isn't true?
mediation is more costly and lengthy than litigation
according to the text, older judges generally rule in favor of the defendant, whereas younger judges tend to rule in favor of the plaintiff.
as a result of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), discrimination based on the following characteristics is illegal:
age and gender, race and national origin, and disability and religion