Aim: He wanted to find out if ordinary American citizens would obey an unjust order from an authority figure and inflict pain on another person because they were instructed to
Procedure: Milgram's sample consisted of 40 male participants aged 20-50 from a range of occupations and backgrounds. The participants were all volunteers who had responded to an advert in a local paper, which offered $4.50 to take part in an experiment on 'punishment and learning'
The participants were all invited to a laboratory at Yale University and upon arrival they met with the experimenter and another participant, Mr Wallace, who were both confederates
The experimenter explained that one person would be randomly assigned the role of teacher and the other assigned the role of learner. However, the real participant was always assigned the role of teacher. The experimenter explained that the teacher, the real participant, would read the learner a series of word pairs and then test their recall. The learner, who was positioned in an adjacent room, would indicate his choice using a system of lights. The teacher was instructed to administer an electric shock every time the learner made a mistake and to increase the voltage after each mistake
The teacher watched the learner being strapped to the electric chair and was given a sample electric shock to convince them that the procedure was real. The learner wasn't actually strapped to the chair and gave predetermined answers to the test. As the electric shocks increased the learner's screams, which were recorded, became louder and more dramatic. At 180 volts the learner complained of a weak heart. At 300 volts he banged on the wall and demanded to leave and at 315 volts he became silent, to give the illusions that was unconscious, or even dead
The experiment continued until the teacher refused to continue, or 450 volts was reached. If the teacher tried to stop the experiment, the experimenter would respond with a series of prods, for example: 'The experiment requires that you continue.' Following the experiment the participants were debriefed
Findings: Milgram found that all of the real participants went to at least 300 volts and 65% continued until the full 450 volts. Only 12.5% stopped at 300v
Conclusion: He concluded that the Germans weren't a different kind of people, and that under the right circumstances ordinary people were just as likely to obey unjust orders