Inherited disorders

Cards (7)

  • what is an inherited disorder?
    disorder caused by the inheritance of certain alleles
  • how are embryos screened for inherited disorders?
    • During IVF, one cell is removed and tested for disorder-causing alleles
    • if the cell doesn’t have any indicator alleles, then the originating embryo is implanted into the uterus
  • what are the ethical issues concerning embryo screening?
    • could lead to beliefs in society that being disabled or having a disorder is less human or associated with inferiority
    • destruction of embryos with inherited disorders is seen by some as murder as these would go on to become humans
    • could be viewed as part of concept of designer babies as it may be for the parents convenience or wishes rather than child’s wellbeing
  • what are the economic issues concerning embryo screening?
    costs of hospital treatment and medication will need to be considered if it is known that a child will have an inherited disorder and financial support explored if necessary
  • social issues concerning embryo screening
    • social care for children with IH may need to be considered if parents are unable to provide care
    • if an embryo is found to have an IH and is terminated, this can prevent a child and its parents from potential suffering in the future due to the disorder
  • what is gene therapy?
    insertion of a normal allele into the cells of a person with an IH to functionally replace the faulty allele
  • ethical concerns surrounding gene therapy
    • going against and playing God
    • introduced genes could enter sex cells and so be passed to future generations