Module 10: Metabolisms

Cards (9)

  • methanogens are obligate anerobes
  • what habitats are methanogens found in?
    • anoxic sediments
    • deep sea vents
    • animal digestive tracts
  • methanogenesis is anaerobic respiration
  • what is the e- donor and e- acceptor in methanogenesis?
    e- donor: H2
    e- acceptor: CO2, reduced to methane
  • how does methanogenesis produce ATP?
    generates proton or sodium motive force, e- carrier is methanophenazine
  • acetogens are anaerobic bacteria, typically firmicutes
  • what is the e- acceptor and pathway of acetogens?
    Co2 e- acceptor is reduced to acetate in acetyl-coA pathway
  • when are methanogens favored over acetogens?
    low CO2 or cobalt
  • when are acetogens favored over methanogens?
    in higher nutrient solutions