Takes into consideration both the ways that politicians operate outside their formal powers, and the impact that beliefs, values and actions of ordinary citizens have on policy making
Most important collective decision making body in a parliamentary system. Ministers head all major departments into which the executive branch divided; led by PM.
Arrangement in which government officials interact with people/groups outside the gov't before they set policy. Outside contacts include business/labour leaders or heads of patron-client systems.
State - : state determines which groups are brought in
Societal - (neocorporatism) : interest groups take lead and dominate state.
Combination of FPTP and PR: votes are cast for both individuals and for parties; some seats filled by winners in plurality races, others filled by party. (results in an in-between number of parties)
Legislature makes laws, controls finances, appoints and dismisses the PM and the cabinet, debates public issues. Separation between head of state and head of gov't. No separation of powers
Roles of head of gov't & state combined into President who is directly elected by voters. Checks and balances; separation of powers. Gridlock is a common problem.
Situation in which power is split among many groups that compete for the chance to influence the gov'ts decision making. Spontaneous formation of interest groups; voluntary dialogue b/t interest groups and state, groups remaining autonomous.
Collection of political beliefs, values, practices, and institutions that the gov't is based upon. Gov't reflects societal values in its structure and operation; necessary to remain viable.
Consensual: accepts both legitimacy of regime and solutions to major probs.
Conflictual: citizens often divided on both regime legitimacy and solutions to major probs.
Citizen's capacity to understand and influence political events.
High level: believe gov't takes input seriously and cares about their say; believe in own abilities to understand pol.issues, participate in solving problems.
Lacking: no importance in voting, attempt to ignore gov'ts efforts to enforce laws.