
Cards (224)

  • Glycosides
    Sugar Ether (any sugar molecule combined to non-sugar molecules through glycosidic bonds)
  • Glycosides
    Compounds that yield one or more products of hydrolysis
  • The most frequently occurring sugar in glycosides is Beta D-glucose (plants)
  • Uses of glycosides in plants
    • Regulatory
    • Protective
    • Sanitary
  • Glycosides
    Secondary Metabolite of the Primary metabolite: Carbohydrates
  • Glycosides can be hydrolyzed by mineral acids
  • Aglycone
    Non-sugar component
  • Glycone
    Sugar component
  • Types of Cardiac Glycosides
    • Cardenolides (plants, 5 rings)
    • Bufadienolides (plants and animals, 6 rings)
  • Unsaturated Steroidal Aglycone Tests
    • Liebermann-Burchard = blue/green; yellow for saturated
    • Salkowski = red/violet
  • Deoxy Sugar Glycone Test

    • Keller-Kiliani test = reddish brown
  • Digitalis or Foxglove
    From the dried leaf of Digitalis purpurea, contains Digitoxin, gitoxin, gitaloxin, Cardiotonic Glycosides (increase contraction of the heart)
  • Grecian foxglove
    From the dried leaf of Digitalis lanata, contains Digitoxigenin, gitoxigenin, gitaloxigenin, digoxin (BN: Lanoxin 250mcg, most widely used cardiotionic glycoside), used to treat CHF and Arrhythmia
  • Convollaria or Lily of the valley root
    From the dried rhizome of Convollaria majalis, contains Convallatoxin, convallataxol, convalloside
  • Apocynum, Black Indian hemp, Dogbane, Canadian hemp

    From Apocynum cannabinum, contains Cimarin
  • Adonis or Pheasant's eye
    From Adonis vernalis, contains Adonitoxin, Cymarin, K-strophanthin
  • Cactus grandiflorus or night-blooming cereus
    From succulent stem of Selenicereus grandiflorus
  • Black hellebore or Christmas rose
    From Helleborus niger, contains Hellebrin, used as Cardiac stimulant
  • Strophanthus
    From Strophanthus kombe (contains K-strophanthoside, other name: strophoside), From Strophanthus gratus (contains Ouabain, upon hydrolysis = Ouabagenin & Rhamnose (sugar component))
  • Squill or squill bulb

    From the bulb of Urginea maritima, contains Scillaren, used as expectorant but has cardiotonic and diuretic properties
  • Anthraquinone Glycosides
    Aglycone - anthracene, used as stimulant cathartics, Borntrager's test = rose pink/red
  • Cascara sagrada
    Aka Cascara buckthorn, sacred bark, from the dried bark of Rhamnus purshianus, aged for at least 1 year prior to use, Lane's Pill (contains Casanthranol) -used as laxative, purgative, constituents: Barbaloin & Chrysaloin, Cascarosides A&B - barbaloin isomers, Cascarosides C&D - chrysaloin isomers, principal use: correction of habitual constipation, bitterness & activity reduced by treating with MgO for 1 year
  • Frangula or buckthorn bark
    From Rhamnus frangula
  • Aloe
    From the dried latex of the leaves of Aloe barbadensis, constituents: Barbaloins (has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and wound healing properties), Aloe vera gel (for tx of burns, abrasions and other skin irritations), Aloe (used as pharmaceutic aid for compound benzoin tincture)
  • Rhubarb
    Aka Chinese rhubarb, from the dried rhizome and root of Rheum officinale and Rheum palmatum, Indian Rhubarb or Himalayan Rhubarb from Rheum emodi, Rheum webbianum, constituent: rheinanthrones
  • Senna
    From the dried leaflet of Cassia acutifolia (Known in commerce as Senna alexandrina), Cathartic, constituents: Sennosides A, B, C and D
  • Chrysarobin
    From Goa powder aka Ring worm powder (used as keratolytic agent for psoriasis and chronic eczema), extracted from lysogenous cavities in the wood of Andira araroba
  • Saponin Glycosides
    Aglycone: sapogenin, plants under saponin will be positive under froth test, foam upon shaken (froth test)-referred to as a 'natural detergent' because of their foamy texture, bitter, acrid taste, sternutatory (irritate mucus membrane and cause sneezing)
  • Glycyrrhiza or Licorice
    From the dried roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra, constituent: glycyrrhizin (in the form of glycyrrhizic acid) – 50x as sweet as sugar, used as flavoring agent, and mask bitter taste
  • Dioscorea
    Aka Yam, Dioscorea spiculiflora – contains botogenin and diosgenin which is a glucocorticoid precursor, Dioscorea floribunda–best source of steroids, constituent: Diosgenin (anti-inflammatory)
  • Ginseng
    Panax ginseng (Asia), Panax quinquefolius (American), used as aphrodisiac and an adaptogen (helps body adapt to stress), constituents: Panaxosides, Ginsenosides, Chikusetsusaponin
  • Cyanophore Glycosides

    Aka Cyanogenic glycosides, Test: Grignard Reaction Test (liberation of hydrocyanic acid) = Brick red color, Aglycone: D-mandelonitrile, Constituent: amygdalin and prunasin, Amygdalin (H2O and amygdalase) → mandelonitrile glucoside + glucose (H2O and prunase) → mandelonitrile + glucose → benzaldehyde + HCN, Emulsin – amygdalase and prunase (collectively)
  • Bitter almond
    Prunus amygdalus, source of Laetrile (Vit B17) - controversial treatment for sickle cell anemia
  • Apricots
    Prunus armeniaca
  • Wild Cherry
    Aka Prunus virginiana or Wild black cherry tree, from the dried stem bark of Prunus serotina, contains: prunasin, used as flavored vehicle
  • Isothiocyanate Glycosides
    Aglycone: isothiocyanates
  • Black Mustard
    Aka Sinapis nigra, Brassica nigra, constituent: Sinigrin (upon hydrolysis → allylisothiocyanate or volatile oils), used as local irritant and emetic, the drug is a rubefacient and vesicant
  • White Mustard
    Aka Sinapis alba, Brassica alba, constituent: Sinalbin (upon hydrolysis → acrinylisothiocyanate)
  • Flavonol Glycosides
    Aglycone: flavonoids, mostly from citrus fruits
  • Rutin and Hesperidin
    Vitamin P or Permeability factors (not an actual vitamin but a phytonutrient or nutrient from plants), Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory