l. Spirochete

Cards (31)

  • Spirochete •Unicellular organism with Flexus structure,
    facultatively anaerobes and multiply by transverse
    Motile producing axial fibril
  • Spirochete •Found in soil, water and decaying organic material
    • The spirochetes are slender, flexible cells that
    belong to the order
  • Two Families of Spirochaetales/ Spirochaetes
    Spirochaetaceae - free-living saprophytes of little medical importance • Treponemataceae - which include the disease producing
  • GENERA Of SPIROCHETE - Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira.
  • Treponema“Turning Threads”
    • The Treponema of medical importance is the causative agent of syphilis
    Syphilis a disease that, when acquired through
    sexual contact is called VENEREAL SYPHILIS
    Venereal syphilis is caused by the microorganism
    Treponema pallidum. •Species of Treponema °Treponema pallidum °Treponema pertenue °Treponema carateum
  • Treponema pallidum
    • Causes syphilis
    Syphilis - disease of blood vessels and perivascular area
    Sexually transmitted disease
    • Causative agent
  • Other Names Of Treponema pallidum
    Italian disease • Great pox • Bad bloods • Lues
  • Clinical infection of Syphilis
    Acquired Syphilis
    Congenital Syphilis
  • Stages of Syphilis
  • Primary
    • Lesions appear in genitalia or mouth
    • AKA “Hard chancre or hunterian chancre
    Sore chancre - painless that develop on the site
    where the bacteria enter our body
    • Heal on their own after 3 weeks to 6 weeks but
    infection can still spread in body
    • Occur in 3 weeks
    10-90 days
    • High contagious
    Painless Sore at the site of infection anus, vagina,
    rectum and penis
    Easily treat with medicine
  • Secondary Stage
    • Appears all over the body
    • Characterize by rashes
    • Appear 2-4 week
    • Appear before it heals
    • Highly contagious
    • Occur that spread throughout the body
    • Rough red, reddish brown rashes, swollen lymph
    nodes, fever, sore throat, headache, body ache,
    extreme tiredness/ fatigue
    • Commonly includes in the palms, sole, foot, hands
    • The symptoms will go away even with no treatment
    but if you're not get treated the infection will get
  • Latent“GUMMAS” • No sign and symptoms • Appear through serological test or blood test • The syphilis bacteria are still alive • Not contagious but can still affect the heart, brain, bone and other organ of body • Can last for years • Not everyone who has syphilis can enter this stage of infection
  • TertiaryNeurosyphilis
    Most destructive stage of syphilis if untreated • May begin as early as 1 yr. after infection or anytime during a person lifetime • Start if the symptoms in secondary stage disappear • The infection starts to affects organ • Symptoms: depends on the complications • GUMMATA - large wound in our organs • CARDIOVASCULAR SYPHILIS- heart, blood vessels • NEUROSYHLIS - affect nervous system, affects muscle movements, blind, dementia  
  • Congenital Syphilis
    • Transmission from syphilitic mother to the fetus through the placenta
  • Treponema pertenue
    •The causative agent YawsYAWS - disease of the bone and skin through direct contact
  • Treponema carateum
    •The causative agent of CARATE or PINTAPINTA - primarily restricted to skin • Characterized by hyperpigmentation of lesions • 1-3 weeks incubation period • Initial lesions: enlarged plaques persist for month to years • Late: disseminated, recurrent hypopigmentation or depigmentation of skin lesions, scarring and disfigurement • Transmitted by direct contact with skin lesions • Primitive tropical areas • Hypopigmented Skin Lesions of Pinta: depigmentation is commonly seen as a late sequel with all treponemal diseases
    Thin and fine coil structure • Causative agent WEIL’S DISEASE • WEIL’S DISEASE - an infectious disease transmitted to man from a wide variety of animals
  • Leptospires/ Leptospira
    • The Genus Leptospira contains a large number of species that are saprophytic and harmless to both humans and animals. • Several species, however, are parasitic and caused infections characterized by their effect on the liver, kidney, lungs, and meninges.  
  • Other Name of Leptospires/ Leptospira
    Swineherds disease • Pretibial fever • Fort braggs fever • Autumnal fever • Conical fever
  • Species of Leptospires/Leptospira
    •Leptospira Biflexa •Leptospira Interorgans- hin coiled shape-like a question mark
  • Borrelia
    • “Blood spirochetes” • The Borrelia is the largest of the pathogenic spirochetes, ranging from 10-30μm (micrometer) in
    length and 0.3-0.7μm in width.
    • They are actively motile, exhibiting lashing, twisting
    • They have irregularly spaced coils.
    Other name of Borrelia
    • Relapsing fever
    • Tick fever
    • Famine fever
    • Borreliosis
  • Species of Borrelia
    •Borrelia Recurrentis
    •Borrelia Anserina
    •Borrelia Turicatae / Perkeri
    •Borrelia Burgdorferi •Borrelia
  • Borrelia Recurrentis“Louse-borne / epidemic relapsing fever” • Transmitted to man by the human body louse • Not all B. recurrentis not cause relaxing fever 
  • Two body louse • Pediculus humanus capitis – louse in the body
    Pediculus humanus corporis - louse in the hair
    and scalp 
    Borrelia Dutonni
    Borrelia noyvi
    Borrelia Berbera
  • Borrelia Arserina •Causative Avian Spirochetes
  • Borrelia turicatae • "THICK WORM” • Endemic Relaxing Fever
  • Borrelia Burgdorferi
    “LYME DISEASE” • OTHER NAMES • Lyme arthritis, • Banwarth syndrome, • Erythema Chronicum Migrans
  • Lyme Disease Bacterial Infection spread through the blood caused by Bacterium genus and species-Borrelia burgdorferiOuter surface protein C (OSPC) of the Lyme disease spirochetes is an important virulence factor • Thought first to be arthritis
  • Flue Like symptoms
    •Headache, fever, chills, Sore throat, Muscle ache • Hearing loss, paralysis of face, Heart complications(Rapid or Slow Heart Rate, Chest pain), Syncope, Palpitations, Dyspnea, Insomnia, Hot, Swollen, Painful joints • Psychological complication(Depression Dementia), Rah at the site of the Tick bite- itching
  • Fusobacterium
    •Trench mouth or Vincent vagina • Acute gingival infection
  • Spirillum Minus
    • AKA “BORRELIA MURIS” • Organism associated with Rat bite fever 1887 • Symptoms due to Spirillum minus mayninclude: Chills Fever, open sore at the site of the bite • Rash - may be red/purple plaques • Swollen lymph nodes near the bite • Common in north America • Suduko - rat poison the causative agent of rat-bite fever • Rat-bite fever - is an acute febrile human illness caused by bacteria transmitted by rodents, rats or mice in most cases, which is passed from rodent to human via the rodent’s urine or mucous secretions.