Lecture 7

Cards (51)

  • Individuals
    Reproduce, giving rise to successive generations within a population
  • Populations
    Consist of interbreeding individuals that persist over many generations, creating a genetic continuity
  • Species
    Can comprise multiple populations, which might be interconnected through gene flow (i.e., migration and mating)
  • Populations of an ancestral species
    Can diverge, leading to the formation of new species, some of which may go extinct
  • Phylogenies
    Trace the evolutionary history and relationships of species, showing how multiple species are connected through common ancestry
  • Phylogenetic trees

    • Are hypotheses depicting the evolutionary relationships among taxa (e.g., species)
    • Time progresses from the root to the tips
    • Lineages that share more recent common ancestors are considered more closely related
    • Terminal nodes represent taxa currently under study
    • Internal nodes represent hypothesized common ancestors, each of which splits into two (or more) descendant lineages
    • The root represents the hypothesized common ancestor of all taxa in the tree
  • Ways to draw a phylogenetic tree
    • Horizontally or vertically
    • Curved lines or straight
    • Radial (i.e., circular) trees
    • Polytomy – internal node with >2 descendant branches, usually indicating uncertainty in branching order
  • A phylogeny is like a child's mobile
  • Left and right have no inherent meaning in a phylogeny, or top and bottom if the tree is drawn horizontally
  • All that matters is the branching pattern, which denotes the relationships
  • The tree preserves its meaning, even if it is rotated around one of its internal nodes
  • Equivalent phylogenies
    • Three coloured trees showing the same relationships
    • Two vertebrate phylogenies showing the same relationships
  • Conventional placement of humans at the bottom (or right) of a phylogeny might be incorrectly interpreted as suggesting humans are more advanced or are an endpoint of evolution
  • Homology
    Inheritance of a trait from a common ancestor
  • Homoplasy
    Independent evolution of a trait
  • Types of homoplasy
    • Convergent evolution – independent evolution of a trait, typically caused by adapting to similar habitats/niches
    • Reversal – trait reverts to an ancestral form
  • Homoplasy causes similarities between distantly related species, which complicates phylogenetic tree-building
  • The best characters for building a phylogenetic tree are hard-to-evolve characters that are unlikely to have evolved twice or to have been lost
  • Clade
    A monophyletic group - a set of taxa comprising an ancestor and all its descendants
  • Synapomorphies
    Shared, derived characters that identify clades - evolutionary novelties shared by two or more (but not all) species currently under consideration
  • "Enlarged brain" is not a synapomorphy as it is not shared (i.e., it is unique to humans)
  • "Skull, brain, spine" is not a synapomorphy as they are not derived (i.e., the common ancestor of all taxa under consideration had them)</b>
  • Monophyletic
    Group (clade) comprises a common ancestor and all its descendant taxa
  • Polyphyletic
    Group comprises various taxa but not their common ancestor; therefore, the group has multiple origins
  • Paraphyletic
    Group comprises various taxa and their common ancestor, but not all the common ancestor's descendant taxa
  • In modern Biology, taxonomic groupings must be monophyletic
  • Many traditionally defined taxa, such as fish and reptiles, are no longer considered valid because they are not monophyletic
  • To be made monophyletic, they must be redefined (e.g., so that Reptilia includes birds)
  • Ways of inferring a phylogenetic tree
    • Neighbor-joining – algorithm for producing a short tree by iteratively grouping most similar taxa
    • Maximum parsimony – search for the tree that requires the fewest changes
    • Maximum likelihood – search for the tree that best explains the data (based on a model of evolution)
    • Bayesian – search for the tree that is most likely to be true (based on the data and some prior information)
  • Statistical support for the branching pattern
    • Bootstrap support (NJ, MP, ML)
    • Clade credibility (Bayesian)
  • Maximum parsimony
    • Considers the tree requiring the fewest changes to be the "best" tree
    • Tries to maximize similarities due to homology and minimize similarities due to homoplasy
    • Philosophy related to Ockham's razor
  • Tree 1 is the most-parsimonious tree because it requires the fewest changes and has no homoplasy
  • Trees 2 & 3 have convergent evolution of TàA at Site 3 in Species 3 & 4
  • Outgroup
    Used to root the phylogenetic tree and determine the direction of evolution
  • LUCA – last universal common ancestor
  • B – endosymbiotic event where an ancestral eukaryotic cell engulfed a bacterium, leading to the evolution of mitochondria
  • C – endosymbiotic event where an ancestral eukaryotic cell (already containing mitochondria) engulfed a bacterium, leading to the evolution of chloroplasts
  • Reticulated evolution

    Phylogenies that are not strictly dichotomous, and may include reticulation (i.e., joining of separate lineages)
  • Causes of reticulation
    • Horizontal gene transfer – movement of genetic material between organisms by non-vertical (i.e., parent–offspring) transmission
    • Hybrid speciation – formation of a new species from interbreeding of two distinct species
  • The early "tree of life" is probably more like a tangled bush due to endosymbiosis, etc.