Lecture 9

Cards (32)

  • Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
    Allele frequencies and genotype frequencies remain at equilibrium (i.e., constant) when there is no mutation, no selection, no migration, no genetic drift, and random mating
  • Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium
    • Genotype frequencies for a diallelic locus are expected to be: p^2 (AA), 2pq (Aa), q^2 (aa)
  • Population Genetics
    The study of populations' allele frequencies and their changes over time
  • Population Genetics and Quantitative Genetics were the cornerstones of the modern synthesis
  • Population Geneticists
    • Study evolution using theoretical models, computer simulations, laboratory experiments, and by observing natural populations
  • Population
    Localized group of individuals of the same species
  • Theodosius Dobzhansky: 'Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution'
  • Michael Lynch: 'Nothing in evolutionary biology makes sense except in the light of population genetics'
  • Evolution
    A change in allele frequencies over generations
  • Calculating genotype and allele frequencies
    1. Observe genotypes of a sample
    2. Calculate observed genotype frequencies
    3. Calculate allele frequencies from genotype frequencies
  • Homozygotes carry two identical allele copies, heterozygotes carry one copy of each allele
  • Allele frequencies p and q must sum to 1
  • Genotype frequencies fr(AA), fr(Aa), fr(aa) must sum to 1
  • Allele frequencies can be calculated from genotype frequencies, but the reverse is usually impossible without additional information
  • Idealized population
    • Random mating, infinitely large, discrete non-overlapping generations
  • Life cycle of an idealized population
    1. Gene pool
    2. Zygote formation
    3. Zygotes to adults
    4. Adults creating gametes
  • Genotype frequencies among zygotes are p^2 (AA), 2pq (Aa), q^2 (aa)
  • Genotype frequencies among adults are the same as zygotes if there is no selection or gene flow
  • Allele frequencies in gametes produced by adults are the same as the original allele frequencies in the population
  • Hardy-Weinberg Principle
    Allele and genotype frequencies remain constant over generations if there is no mutation, selection, migration, drift, and random mating
  • With more than two alleles, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium formula is more complex
  • Allele frequencies produced when adults make gametes
    1. p2 + 2pq/2 = p2 + pq = p2 + p(1–p) = p
    2. q2 + 2pq/2 = q2 + pq = q2 + (1–q)q = q
  • The allele frequencies produced are the same as the original allele frequencies. If allele frequencies didn't change over a generation, evolution hasn't happened.
  • Hardy-Weinberg principle

    States that allele frequencies and genotype frequencies remain at equilibrium (i.e., constant) when these conditions hold true: No mutation, No selection, No migration, No genetic drift, Random mating
  • Genotype frequencies at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for a diallelic locus
    • AA: p2
    • Aa: 2pq
    • aa: q2
  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with more than two alleles
    For a triallelic locus (with allele frequencies of p, q, and r), the genotype frequencies are: A1A1: p2, A1A2: 2pq, A1A3: 2pr, A2A2: q2, A2A3: 2qr, A3A3: r2
  • Hardy-Weinberg principle

    • It is the null model for evolution
    • If all the conditions hold true, evolution will not happen
    • It identifies the "forces" that cause evolution
    • Genotype frequencies in real populations can be examined to determine whether they are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
  • Testing whether a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    1. Calculate observed genotype frequencies
    2. Calculate allele frequencies
    3. Calculate expected genotype frequencies assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
    4. Compare observed and expected genotype counts
  • If a locus does not match Hardy-Weinberg expectations, we can reject the null model. One or more assumptions may be substantially violated for this locus; something interesting may be happening.
  • If a locus matches Hardy-Weinberg expectations, we cannot necessarily conclude that the null model is true. The assumptions may be only slightly violated, or a balance of the forces might keep the genotypes approximately in Hardy-Weinberg proportions.
  • How mutation affects allele frequencies
    1. p' = p - μp
    2. Δp = -μp
    3. q' = 1 - p'
  • Mutation, by itself, is a weak evolutionary force. Even with a high mutation rate iterated over many generations, the allele frequency only changes slightly.