Lecture 11

Cards (16)

  • Genetic drift
    A random change in allele frequencies caused by sampling error in drawing gametes from the gene pool
  • Genetic drift
    • It reduces genetic variation within a population
    • It causes random differences among populations to accumulate
  • Genetic drift is the only evolutionary force operating
    One allele will eventually become fixed at a locus and the population will become homozygous at that locus
  • Heterozygosity
    A measure of genetic diversity in a population
  • Genetic drift causes loss or fixation of alleles, so it reduces genetic diversity</b>
  • Genetic bottleneck
    A short, severe reduction in census population size that also reduces effective population size (Ne) and genetic diversity
  • Founder effect
    Allele frequencies in a new population differ from those in the source population due to sampling error when the new population is founded by only a few individuals
  • When populations experience both drift and selection
    Evolution is more deterministic (and predictable) in larger populations, but smaller populations evolve more unpredictably
  • For neutral mutations that evolve by drift, the substitution rate is equal to the mutation rate
  • Gene flow
    Movement of genes in space (e.g., from one population to another) due to dispersal of organisms or their gametes
  • Migration can substantially influence allele frequencies
    It primarily prevents populations from diverging
  • How migration homogenizes allele frequencies
    1. The change in allele frequency on the island is: Δp_I = m(p_C - p_I)
    2. The allele frequency on the island in the next generation is: p_I' = p_I + Δp_I = p_I + m(p_C - p_I)
  • Non-random mating changes genotype frequencies but not allele frequencies
  • Inbreeding
    Mating among relatives
  • Inbreeding
    Decreases heterozygosity and increases homozygosity compared to Hardy-Weinberg expectations
  • Inbreeding depression frequently causes the evolution of mechanisms that prevent self-fertilization by hermaphrodites and mating between close relatives