Lecture 13

Cards (27)

  • Qualitative traits

    Often simple Mendelian traits inherited as a single gene (e.g., eye colour)
  • Quantitative traits
    Have continuously distributed phenotypes (e.g., height, mass)
  • One of the cornerstones of the modern synthesis was the discovery that quantitative traits are also compatible with Mendelian genetics
  • This is the basis of the field of quantitative genetics
  • Phenotypic variance (VP)

    Can be decomposed into genetic variation (VG), environmental variance (VE), and genotype-by-environment interaction variance (VG×E)
  • Genetic variation in quantitative traits can be caused by few or by many loci
  • When quantitative traits are influenced by many loci (and environmental effects), the trait is generally normally distributed
  • Normal distribution

    Mean (μ) determines the location, standard deviation (σ) determines the spread
  • The normal distribution is ubiquitous in Biology due to the central limit theorem
  • Quantitative traits compatible with Mendelian inheritance
    1. Short- and long-flowered plants crossed
    2. F1 offspring have intermediate flower length
    3. F1 individuals are heterozygous at flower-length genes
    4. F2 offspring are more variable
    5. Some flower-length genes are homozygous in the F2 generation
    6. Original parental phenotypic range can rapidly be recovered by F5
  • Genetic variance (VG)
    Can be decomposed into additive genetic variance (VA), dominance variance (VD), and epistasis variance (VI)
  • Broad-sense heritability (H2)

    Genetic component of variation (VG/VP)
  • Narrow-sense heritability (h2)
    Additive genetic component of variation (VA/VP)
  • In Evolutionary Biology, unless told otherwise, "heritability" means narrow-sense heritability (h2)
  • Additive genetic effects
    Adding each copy of an allele has the same effect on the trait, and the mean heterozygote is exactly in the middle
  • Additive genetic variance (VA)
    Depends on genetic variation at the locus (expected heterozygosity, 2pq) and the squared magnitude of additive effects of alleles on the phenotype (a2)
  • Modes of selection on quantitative traits
    • Directional selection
    • Stabilizing selection
    • Disruptive selection
  • Estimating heritability from parents and offspring
    1. Regress midoffspring height on midparent height
    2. Heritability (h2) is the slope of the line
  • High heritability of a trait does not mean that differences in the trait are entirely genetic or that the trait is unalterable by the environment
  • Low heritability of a trait does not mean the trait is not genetically controlled, just that genetic variation is small compared to environmental variation
  • Selection differential (S)
    Difference between the mean trait value of the selected individuals and the mean of the entire population
  • Selection gradient (b)
    Slope of the regression line of relative fitness on the trait value
  • Predicting the evolutionary response to selection
    In artificial selection, the response (R) is given by the breeder's equation: R = h2S
  • Quantitative traits can evolve beyond their original range of variation due to standing genetic variation
  • Standing genetic variation
    Allelic diversity that is already available for selection to act on
  • Genetic correlations between traits
    Selection on one trait can cause another trait to evolve by "dragging it along for the ride"
  • Genetic correlations can cause trade-offs and constraints on evolution