Cards (30)

  • Steps in preparation of the smear
  • steps in preparation of smear
  • steps in preparation of smears
    1. prepare the glass slide
    2. Label the slide
    3. preparation of smear
    4. heat fixation
  • Staining
    -bacterial cells are so small that they must be colored with some dye to be studied more
  • Smear
    -usualy begins by spreading a thin film of the specimen over a slide
  • fixation process
    -it is allowed to air dry,and then passed through the flame of bunsen burner to heat and drying the smear.This mainly to stick the organisms to the slide
  • Basic dyes
    -colored portions of the positively charged colored.Which attracted to the outside of bacterial cells
  • basic dyes color are:
    • crystal violet
    • methylene blue
    • safranin
    • carbolfuchsin
    • malachite green
  • Acidic dyes

    -dyes that are negatively charged and is not attracted to the bacteria and color the background,leaving the bacteria unstained.
  • Acidic dyes color are;
    • nigrosin
    • india ink
    • eosin
  • Staining procedure are;
    1. Simple staining
    2. Differential staining
    3. gram-staining method
    4. Acid-fast or Ziehl-Neelsen staining method
    5. acid-fast bacteria
    6. non-acid-fast bacteria
    7. Staining specific microbial structures
    8. Special staining method
    9. negative staining
  • Simple staining
    • one stain{basic dye}is applied to a heat-fixation and rinsed off
    • all microbes would take on the color of dye
  • widely used simple stains are;
    1. Loeffler's alkaline methylene blue
    2. Carbol fuchsin
    3. Gential violet
    4. Safranin
  • capsules and spores are not stained with simple stains
  • flagella cannot be demonstrated at all in this way{simple staining}
  • Differential staining
    -more complex staining methods
    -divided bacteria into groups,depending on their reaction to the chemicals used
  • Gram-Staining method
    • most important staining technique in microbiology
    • developed in 1884 by Dr.Cgristian Gram
    • it is differential stain used to sort bacteria into 2 groups.{gram-positive and gram-negative
  • Steps in application of Gram staining method
    1. application of crystal violet
    2. application of iodine
    3. alcohol wash
    4. application of safranin
  • Gram-positive
    -bacteria from which the blue color of the stain iodine bacterial cell complex cannot be removed
  • Gram-negative
    -those from which it can removed and which are stained with the counterstain
  • Gram-positive organism will be purple{blue}
    Gram-negative organism will be red{pink}
  • Gram-positive bacteria

    -tend to be killed by penicillin and detergent
  • Gram-negative bacteria
    -are more resistant to antibiotics
  • Acid-fast or Ziehl-Neelsen staining method is also known as hot method
  • Steps in Acid-fast or Ziehl-Neelsen staining method
    • carbol fuchsin is steamed into a heat-fixed smear for 5 minutes{primary stain}
    • slide is cooled and gently but thoroughly rinsed
    • acid-alcohol is applied{decolorization}to remove fushsia color from all bacteria except acid-fast.
    • methylene blue is applied as the counterstain
    • rinse,blotdry and examine
  • Acid-fast bacteria

    -are those that retain stain{carbol fuchsin}even when treated with acid-alcohol{red/pink}
  • Non-acid-fast bacteria

    -completely decolorized when treated with acid-alcohol and stained with the counterstain.{blue}
    1cell wall do not posesses complex lipids,fatty acids and waxes
  • Special staining method
    • important special stains-are those for capsules,spores,flagella and metachromic granules
    • stains primarily designed to demonstrate metachromatic granules and especially valuable in identifying Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  • Important special stain;
    1. albert's stains-using toluidine blue and malachite green
    2. neisser's stain-using methylene blue
  • Negative{relief}staining
    -microorganism such as treponema pallidum are not stained by ordinary dyes and may be visible by the process known as negative staining
    -in this method the background is stained
    -microbes appear as colorless objects against a gray-black background
    -microbes are mixed with india ink or 10%nigrosin
    -congo red can also be used in negative staining-has been used display spiral organisms