2. Introduce – I 'am ______ and I'm a trained first aider, can I help!
3. Check consciousness – hey! Hey! hey! Are you ok! (While tapping pts shoulder)
4. Call and active medical assistance (AMA) (tumawag ng ambulansya) > point to the person and ask for help!
5. Check for SIGNS of LIFE > Breathing and Pulse
6. Perform CPR > 5 cycles
7. Follow up medical assistance while doing the CPR
8. If 5 cycles are done > Check Signs of Life > if (+) Pulse and (-) Breathing do Rescue breathing 24 cycles
9. Check for SIGNS of LIFE if (+) breathing and (+) pulse the patient is revived and put patient in Recovery Position
10. Recovery Position > lateral/side lying position (1 knee flex 1 hand elevated and 1 hand on the chest) > for counting of 3 when turning and do the 10 seconds breathing assessment using the back of your hand