U5 Reactivity of Metals

Cards (41)

  • Reactivity series - Chart representing the metals in order of high reactivity at the top and low reactivity at the bottom
  • Sulfuric = Sulfate
  • Hydrochloric acid = chloride
  • Nitric acid = Nitrate
  • metal + water -> metal hydroxide + hydrogen
  • metal + acid -> salt + hydrogen
  • Metal Ores - Metal combined with other elements
  • Metals less reactive than carbon is extracted by burning with carbon
  • Metals with higher reactivity than carbon is extracted by electrolysis
  • Reduction - Loss of oxygen and gain of electrons
  • Oxidation - gain of oxygen and loss of electrons
  • Redox reaction - Oxidation and reduction occuring simultaneously within a reaction.
  • Thermite reaction - Aluminium displacing iron fron iron oxide
  • Displacement reaction - More reactive metal replaces a less reactive one in its compound
  • Iron oxide + carbon -> carbon dioxide + iron
  • A molecule is made up of ...?

    Two or more types of atom
  • A compound is made up of?

    Two or more types of elements
  • Name the metal salt formed when you react lead with sulfuric acid.
    lead sulfate
  • thermite reactions?

    Alumnium displaces iron
  • iron oxide + aluminium --> iron + aluminium oxide name this reaction
    Thermite reaction
  • Salt formed when you use hydrochloric acid?

  • Salt formed when you use sulfuric acid?

  • Why do alkali metals like potassium and sodium have to be stored in oil?
    Since they are extremely reactive, they can react with oxygen
  • What happens when lithium reacts with water?

    Lithium + Water --> Lithium hydroxide + Hydrogen
  • zinc + _______ --> zinc oxide
  • An example of a metal found as a pure element rather than as an ore?
  • A cheap element used in extracting metals from their ores?

  • The salt formed by iron + hydrochloric acid is ...
    Iron chloride
  • Gas produced by the reaction of metals with acids?
    Hydrogen gas
  • Predict the products of this reaction:
    aluminium + copper oxide --> ... + ... ?

    Aluminium oxide + copper
  • Why is it more expensive to extract magnesium than it is to extract iron?

    Since the process of electrolysis is needed to extract magnesium whereas iron can be taken by reacting with carbon
  • Why are the reactions of metals with acids described as exothermic?

    Since they releases heat to the surrounding
  • What property does a metal need to have to make a hot water pipe?

    Does not rust
  • What property does a metal need to have to make a food can?
    inert so that they wont reac with food
  • The acid used to make sodium sulfate is ?
    Sulfuric Acid
  • Complete the word equation: iron + nitric acid --> ?

    Iron nitrate + Hydrogen
  • Magnesium reacts with copper sulfate. A brown solid is formed and sinks to the bottom of the beaker. What is this brown solid?

  • What salt is formed from copper + sulfuric acid?

    Copper sulfate
  • Products when sodium reacts with water?
    Sodium hydroxide + Hydrogen
  • What is formed when a metal reacts with oxygen?

    Metal oxide