topic 3

Cards (18)

  • Acetylcholine (ACh)

    • Non-peptide transmitter - synthesised in the terminal while vesicle is transported from cell body to terminal
    • Acetyl-Coenzyme A (AcCoA) - produced in mitochondria and released into cytoplasm
    • Choline is a vitamin-like essential nutrient
    • AcCoA and Choline combine, releasing CoA and ACh is stored in the vesicle
    • ACh is released into the cleft and broken down to release choline
    • Choline is recycled using an Na+ exchange pump back into the terminal, acetate is broken down
  • Vesicle priming and docking
    Required as Ca2+ entry (via voltage-gated channels) is brief
  • Acetylcholine receptors
    • Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR)
    • Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR)
  • Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR)

    • Made of polypeptides (G-protein linked - metabotropic receptors)
    • No central pore, more steps so slower effects
    • At cardiac and smooth muscles
  • End Plate-Potential (EPP)
    • ACh induces a depolarising post-synaptic membrane potential change
    • Na+ and Ca+ enter the cell, K+ exits therefore gaining positive charge
    • RMP for skeletal muscle = -80 mV (muscles are less leaky)
    • Large depolarisation up to -20 mV, EPP
    • EPP flows away electrotonically, just adjacent to the endplate muscles can produce AP (voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on muscle)
    • Size of EPP based on amount of ACh bound to AChR
    • Ca2+ channels are not refractory, which allows for a slower repolarisation
  • Safety Margin
    • Trough design of NMJ --> ensures transmitters will not immediately diffuse away
    • Each vesicle has 6,000 - 10,000 ACh molecules
    • Vesicles are pre-docked + there are as many as 300 active zones on each axon terminal at the NMJ --> ~500,000 vesicles at active zones
    • Junction folds provide large SA to concentrate AChR
    • AChR binds to ACh for 1 ms - longer than most transmitters & keeps ACh concentration gradient
    • Only 10% of receptors needed to generate AP (large redundancy)
    • EPP is around 40 mV, more than enough for post-synaptic AP generation
  • Toxins affecting NMJ transmission
    • ACh release inhibitors - botulum toxin (breaks down SNAP25 protein needed for vesicles to anchor to cell membrane, thus vesicles cannot fuse, thus no ACh release, thus muscle paralysis & prevents wrinkles)
    • AChR inhibitors - muscle AChR blocked by South American poison (curare)
    • AChE inhibitors - plant poison, physostigmine, nerve gases and organophosphorus pesticides
    • Transmitter vesicle depletors - black widow spider toxin, alpha-latroxin
  • Myasthenia Gravis
    • Acquired autoimmune disease that causes intense fatigue, body produces antibodies against AChR
    • They bind to AChR so ACh cannot bind
    • Crosslink receptors which are then drawn into clusters and rapidly endocytosed by body, so less receptors
    • Decreases folds & widens synaptic cleft
  • Signalling between Neurons
    • Divergent signalling (each neuron outputs to many neurons)
    • Convergent signalling (each neuron receives many inputs)
    • Excitatory or inhibitory responses
    • Can be fast or slow/ long-term
  • Post-synaptic Potentials
    • Excitatory (EPSP) --> less negative, towards threshold
    • Inhibitory (IPSP) --> more negative, suppresses target neuron
    • PSP's can sum (add up smaller APs) and create a bigger PSP
    • Refractory period has occurred in the pre-synaptic neuron, summation happens in post-synaptic neuron
  • Neuron to neuron transmission is less efficient than neuron to skeletal muscle transmission: requires more analysis (not just a 1 input: 1 output system), involves integration & decision making
  • Control pre-synaptic input
    1. Inhibit amount of transmitter released
    2. Reduction of terminal depolarisation/vesicle release/ no. of transmitter binding
    3. Pre-synaptic inhibition --> Activation of inhibitory neuron that blocks the excitatory neuron's terminal
    4. Post-synaptic inhibition --> block target neuron to prevent response entirely
    5. Facilitatory neuron --> increases excitatory neuron's response
  • The history of synaptic activity ('remembers')
    1. Allows synapse to become more efficient with higher rate of input (Long-term Potential, LTP), then return to normal rate of input
    2. Initially response is suppressed, but after some time responses go back to a level higher than the initial level <-- Tetanus (constant high)
    3. Also Long Term Depression (LTD)
    4. Occurs in part of brain for memory and learning
    • Spatial summation --> many different inputs get activated all at once, more inputs = greater response
    • Temporal summation --> repetitively active single input
    • Inhibitory inputs --> can be sent at the same time as the excitatory inputs to prevent neuron from responding
    • Neurons can integrate input - calculations of Inhibitory vs Excitatory, and AP threshold
  • differences between skeletal muscle fibre AP and nerve cell AP
    A) 40 mv
    B) 1-2 mv
    C) -80 mv
    D) -70 mv
    E) -55 mv
    F) -55 mv
  • Post-synaptic potentials (PSPs):
    • involves chemically gated channels (transmitter gated/ g-protein gated/ 2nd messenger gated)
    • graded response
    • long lasting (more than 1-2 msec)
    • no refractory period, can sum
    • amplitude adapts
    • conducted passively (electrotonically), decreases in size with distance
  • Action Potentials (APs)
    • involves voltage-gated channels
    • all-or-none response
    • brief, 1-2 msec (except in muscles)
    • has refractory periods, cannot sum
    • amplitude does not adapt
    • is regenerated and propagated without loss of amplitude
  • No. of transmitters released affects response (graded)
    No regeneration of PSP like in AP - current spreads fast but is leaky
    • Replenish the current using Action Potentials
    • Triggered along the axon hillock as there is a high density of Na+ voltage-gated channels & the threshold is at its lowest (-55 mV) here
    • Unfortunately, most synapses are at dendrites, not axon hillocks
    • Even at a hillock, a PSP does not have enough voltage to create an AP
    Solution: PSP Sums!