Mood Disorders

Cards (18)

  • Mood
    More generalized compared to emotions, not tied to a specific incident but a collection of inputs, influenced by environment, physiology, and mental state
  • Moods vs Emotions
    • Moods are longer-lasting, more diffuse with no identifiable object, and less intense than emotions
  • Emotions
    Chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific trigger
  • Feelings
    Something we sense, more "cognitively saturated" as emotion chemicals are processed in our brains and bodies, fueled by a mix of emotions and lasting longer than emotions
  • According to the World Health Organization, depression will become one of the three major killers in the world in the 21st century
  • Currently 4 - 10 percent of the population is affected by depression, and about 15 percent of patients suffering from major depression eventually commit suicide
  • Characteristics of Depression
    • Patient seeks medical help for unaccountable physical problems, thinks negatively, feels extremely depressed for over two weeks and loses interest in things, lacks motivation and becomes reluctant to go to work/school or participate in social activities
  • Effective treatment for depression
    Medication and psychological counseling, which can greatly reduce the chance of relapse
  • There is a mobile application called Psychologist in a Pocket (PiaP) for Depression Screening
  • Etiology of Mood Disorders
    • Genetic contribution, Serotonin and dopamine receptor dysfunction, Cortisol dysregulation, Changes in activation of emotion-relevant regions in the brain, Increased activity of the striatum, Changes in cell membranes and receptors
  • Other types of depression
    • Post-partum depression, Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), Old-age depression, Depression caused by thyroid gland illness, stroke, iron deficiency anemia, certain drugs, immune system malfunction, hormonal dysfunction, drug abuse, alcoholism
  • Common treatments for depression
    • Medication, Psychological counselling, ECT
  • Manic-depressive (Bipolar) Disorder

    Cyclical mental illness with alternate cycles of mania and depression, disrupting the lives of patients and their families
  • Characteristics of Manic-Depressive Disorder
    • Mania: uncontrollable exaggerated emotions, heightened moods, exaggerated self-confidence, grandiose ideas and delusions, excessive energy and sexual desire, irritability, spending sprees. Depression: low spirited, feeling helpless, desperate and guilty, slow thinking, downhearted, pessimistic, strong suicidal tendencies
  • Forms of Bipolar Disorder
    • Bipolar I: At least one lifetime manic episode. Bipolar II: At least one major depressive episode with at least one episode of hypomania. Cyclothymic Disorder: Milder, chronic form of bipolar disorder
  • Suicide is in fact a plea for help, which cannot be overlooked. Data show that among suicide victims, 80% had disclosed their attempts to others either directly or indirectly before taking action
  • Although more women than men have attempted suicide, men have a higher success rate than women because men are more resolute once they have chosen to commit suicide
  • Effective measures for preventing suicide
    • Direct inquiry to determine seriousness of suicidal tendencies, do not avoid discussing the problem, set up "no-suicide agreement", urge victims to seek medical treatment and rebuild their support network