Coursecontent is usually prescribed in the curriculum
Guidelines in Conducting Classes
The teacher is a specialist working with students
Select teaching methods
Fit the topic to the audience
Focus on the topic
Prepare an outline
Organize your points for clarity
Select appropriate examples
Present more than one side of an issue
Repeat points
Be aware of your audience
Be enthusiastic
Use visual aids
Provide "hands on" experience
Record important information in writing
Use movies and videos with captions
Repeat a question
Arrange for the student to sit comfortably
Provide new vocabulary or an agenda ahead of time
Stay in one place or move occasionally
Do not expect students to look in more than one place at a time
Education process
Perform the act of teaching using specific instructional methods and tools, Determine behavior changes (OUTCOMES) in knowledge, attitudes, and skills
Prioritization Criteria
Mandatory: Needs to be learned for survival or when the learner's life or safety is threatened
Desirable: Needs that are not life-dependent but are related to well-being or the overall ability
Possible: Needs for information that are "nice to know" but not essential or required or situations
Kolb's Cycle of Learning (1984) or Theory of Experiential Learning
Knowledge is a transformational process that is continuously created and recreated, Learning is a continuous process grounded in the reality that the learner is not a blank slate
Positive reinforcement during health teaching on Oral Hygiene
1. Sharing success stories about the topic
2. Giving them a recognition
3. Posting exceptional works on the bulletin board
4. Placing a star on the pupil's hand
Health Education Process
A process concerned with assessing, designing, implementing and evaluating, documenting educational programs that enable families, groups, organizations and communities to play active roles in achieving, protecting and sustaining health
Education Process
Two interdependent players, the teacher and the learner
Changes foster growth in the learner and the teacher
Should always be a participatory, shared approach to teaching and learning
A deliberate intervention involving the PLANNING and IMPLEMENTATION of instructional activities and experiences to meet intended learner outcomes based on the teaching plan
One aspect of teaching involving COMMUNICATING INFORMATION about a SPECIFIC SKILL in the cognitive, psychomotor, or affective domain
A CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that can occur at any time or in any place as a result of EXPOSURE TO ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI
Patient Education
A process of assisting people to learn health-related behaviors (SKVA) and incorporate these in everyday life
Appraise physical and psychosocial needs, Develop care plan based on mutual goal setting to meet individual needs
Education process
Ascertain learning needs, readiness to learn, and learning styles, Develop teaching plan based on mutually predetermined behavioral outcomes to meet individual needs
Nursing process
Carry out nursing care interventions using standard procedures, Determine physical & psychosocial outcomes
Education process
Perform the act of teaching using specific instructional methods and tools, Determine behavior changes (OUTCOMES) in knowledge, attitudes, and skills
A - analyzelearner, S - stateobjectives, S - selectinstructionalmaterials, U - useteachingmaterials, R - requirelearnerperformance, E - evaluate/reviseteaching & learning
Assessing the Learners
Learning Needs
Gaps in knowledge that exist between a desired level of performance and the actual level of performance
Steps in Assessing Learning Needs
1. Identify the learner
2. Choose the right setting
3. Collect data on the learner
4. Include the learner as a source of information
5. Involve members of the healthcare team
6. Prioritize needs
7. Determine availability of educational resources
8. Assess demands of the organization
9. Take time-management issues into account
Prioritization Criteria
Mandatory: Needs to be learned for survival or when the learner's life or safety is threatened
Desirable: Needs that are not life-dependent but are related to well-being or the overall ability
Possible: Needs for information that are "nice to know" but not essential or required or situations
Readiness to Learn
The time when the learner demonstrates an interest in learning the type or degree of information necessary to maintain optimal health or to become more skillful in a job
PEEK (Readiness to Learn)
Physical readiness
Emotional readiness
Experiential readiness
Knowledge readiness
Learning Styles
Ways in which an individual processes information or different approaches or methods of learning
Six Learning Style Principles
Both the style by which the teacher prefers to teach and the style by which the student prefers to learn can be identified
Teachers need to guard against overteaching by their own preferred learning styles
Teachers are most helpful when they assist students in identifying and learning through their own style preferences
Students should have the opportunity to learn through their preferred style
Students should be encouraged to diversify their style preferences
Teachers can develop specific learning activities that reinforce each modality or style
Learning Style Instruments
Kolb's Learning Style Inventory
Gregorc Style Delineator
Gardner's Seven Types of Intelligence
Right-Brain/Left-Brain and Whole-Brain Thinking
Embedded Figures Test
Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
4MAT System
Kolb's Cycle of Learning (1984) or Theory of Experiential Learning
Knowledge is a transformational process that is continuously created and recreated, Learning is a continuous process grounded in the reality that the learner is not a blank slate
Kolb's Cycle of Learning
1. Concrete Experience
2. Reflective Observation
3. Abstract Conceptualization
4. Active Experimentation
Kolb's Four Learning Styles
Converger, Diverger, Accommodator, Assimilator
Gregorc Cognitive Styles Model
The mind has mediation abilities of perception and ordering and this affects how the person learns
Four Mediation Channels
Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Concrete Random, Abstract Random
Field-independent Style: Items are perceived independently of their surrounding field, Field-dependent Style: Items are perceived in relation to their surrounding field
Health Education Plan
Educating and empowering people to avoid disease, to make lifestyle changes, and to improve health for themselves, their families, the environment, and their community
Elements of a Health Education Plan
The final outcome or what is achieved at the end of the teaching-learning process
A specific, single, unidimensional behavior that must be achieved first before a goal is reached
Steps that link Behavioral Objectives
1. Identify the testing situation (condition)
2. State the learner and the learner's behavior (performance)
3. State the performance level (criterion)
Purpose of Formulating Objectives
To guide selection and handling of course material
Help determine if people in the class have learned what was taught