Cards (29)

  • Eclipses
    Earth or the moon blocks the sun's light in an astronomical event
  • Moon
    • Revolves around Earth in an elliptical orbit
  • Solar Eclipse
    Occurs when the new moon passes between the sun and Earth
  • Solar Eclipse
    APRIL 8, 2024
  • Partial Solar Eclipse
    Happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth but the Sun, Moon, and Earth are not perfectly lined up. Only a part of the Sun will appear to be covered, giving it a crescent shape.
  • Annular Solar Eclipse
    Happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, but when it is at or near its farthest point from Earth. Because the Moon is farther away from Earth, it appears smaller than the Sun and does not completely cover the Sun.
  • Total Solar Eclipse
    Happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun.
  • Hybrid Solar Eclipse
    Since the earth is curved, there are times an eclipse can switch between an annular and total solar eclipse as it moves across.
  • Lunar Eclipse
    Occurs when the moon moves into Earth's shadow
  • Tides
    Regular fluctuations in the ocean levels and are caused by the combined gravitational forces of the sun and the moon on the oceans
  • Spring Tides
    When the sun, the moon, and Earth are in alignment (new and full moon), high tide is higher and low tide is lower than usual.
  • Neap Tides
    When the position of the moon is at a right angle relative to the sun, high tide is lower and low tide is higher than normal.
    • Why seasons occur
    • Happens in Northern Hemisphere, when the North Pole is farthest or turned away from the sun
    • Happens when the North Pole is leaning toward the sun
    • Take place between summer and winter
  • How can you relate the length of daytime to the amount of energy received by the earth
    Generally, the longer the length of daytime, the longer its exposure, the higher amount of solar energy received
    Days when the sun is farthest from the northern and southern points above the celestial equator
    When day and night are of approximately equal length
  • Sun
    • Center of the solar system
    • Medium-sized star
    • Massive sphere of hot gases
    • Diameter: 1400 000 km (1M Earth)
    • Distance from the Earth: 149 600 000 km
    • Composed of hydrogen and helium gases
  • Layers and features of the Sun
    • Photosphere
    • Chromosphere
    • Corona
  • Photosphere
    • Glowing layers of gases
    • First layer of the Sun
  • Chromosphere
    Located above the photosphere (2000 km)
  • Corona
    Outer layer of the Sun's atmosphere
  • Earth
    • 3rd planet from the Sun
    • Blue waters, white clouds, brown & green landmasses
    • Tilt 23.5 degrees
    • Has atmosphere
    • Habitable planet
    • Can support life
  • Earth moves in two different ways
    1. Rotation
    2. Revolution
  • Rotation
    • Earth spins on its axis
    • 23 hours and 56 minutes
    • Night & day
  • Revolution
    • Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit
    • 365.25 days (every 4 years additional day: leap year)
  • Earth's distance from the Sun
  • Moon
    • 2nd brightest celestial object in the sky
    • Earth's natural satellite
    • Temperature: 100 degrees Celsius (day)
    • -175 degrees Celsius (night)
    • Distance from the Earth: 384 400 km
    • 27 days to orbit Earth
    • Mountains, craters, valleys, and plains
    • Thin atmosphere
    • Albedo - it does not give off its own light, reflects light from the Sun
  • Moon revolves
    Around the Earth in an elliptical orbit
  • Distance of the Moon from the Earth