
Cards (99)

  • Acute Coronary Syndrome

    Results from prolonged ischemia
  • Types of Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Stable angina
    • Unstable angina
    • Myocardial infarction (MI)
  • Stable angina
    • Occurs with exercise/emotional stress—relieved by rest/nitroglycerin
  • Unstable angina
    • Occurs with exercise/rest-- increases in occurrence, severity, duration over time
    • ONLY treated by NITROGLYCERIN
    • Give nitroglycerin to prevent MI
    • Nitroglycerin: 3 doses MAX every 5 mins
  • Acute MI
    • Non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI): Least dangerous—not enough damage to heart to see EKG changes
    • ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI): Loss of impulses sufficiency—NOT GOOD
  • Nonmodifiable risk factors for Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Age (older adults)
    • Race
    • Gender (males)
    • Family history
  • Modifiable risk factors for Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Sedentary lifestyle
    • Tobacco use
    • Diet
    • Hyperlipidemia
    • Obesity
    • Hypertension
    • Stress
    • Type 2 diabetes
  • Expected findings for Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Anxiety, feeling of impending doom
    • Chest pain (tight squeezing, crushing, heavy/aching pressure, constricting feeling in chest, can radiate to neck, shoulder, arm, jaw, weakness/numbness in arms)
    • Indigestion, nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Females often report no pain—goes unnoticed (characterized by pain between shoulders, jaw, sensation of choking with exertion)
  • Physical assessment findings for Acute Coronary Syndrome
    • Tachycardia/heart palpitations
    • Tachypnea/SOB (dyspnea)
    • Hypotension
    • Pallor, cool, clammy skin
    • Diaphoresis
    • N/V
    • Decreased LOC
  • Stable angina
    Precipitated by exertion/stress, relieved by rest/nitroglycerin, manifestations last less than 15 min, NOT associated with nausea, epigastric distress, dyspnea, anxiety, diaphoresis
  • Myocardial infarction (MI)
    Can occur without cause, often in morning after rest, relieved ONLY by opioids, manifestations last more than 30 min, associated with nausea, epigastric distress, dyspnea, anxiety, diaphoresis
  • Troponin is the #1 indicator of cardiac tissue damage
  • Any positive value of troponin indicates damage to cardiac tissue and should be reported
  • Troponin value over 0.5 indicates heart trauma
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    1. Assess for changes on serial ECGs
    2. Angina: ST depression/T-wave inversion = presence of ischemia
    3. MI: T-wave inversion = ischemia; ST-segment elevation = necrosis
    4. NSTEMI: no significant ECG changes/persistent ST elevations
    5. STEMI: ST segment elevations in 2 separate leads
  • Stress test
    1. Client exercises muscle by walking on a treadmill
    2. Provides info about the workload of heart
    3. Test is discontinued one HR reaches certain rate
    4. Fatigue/disability can prevent traditional exercise testing/test completion
  • Stress test considerations
    • Pre-procedure: Instruct pt to fast 2-4hrs before procedure, avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine before test, instruct pt to get adequate rest the night before
    • Intra-procedure: Apply 12-lead ECG to monitor HR, monitor for dysrhythmias throughout procedure, instruct pt to report any chest pain, SOB, dizziness during procedure
    • Post-procedure: Check BP frequently until pt is stable, monitor pt by 12-lead ECG, provider reviews findings with pt
  • MONA
    1. morphine, O- oxygen, N- nitroglycerin, A- aspirin
  • Administer ASPIRIN upon arrival, beta-blocker within 24 hrs, thrombolytic within 30 mins
  • Nitroglycerin
    • Use: angina and help control BP
    • Use cautiously with other antihypertensive meds
    • Monitor for orthostatic hypotension
    • Ensure pt has NOT taken phosphodiesterase inhibitor (Viagra) within 24-48hr = hypotension can result
  • Client education for chest pain
    • Stop activity and rest
    • Place nitroglycerin tablet sublingually
    • If pain is unrelieved in 5 min, call 911 or be driven to ER
    • 3 doses MAX taken every 5 mins
    • Common adverse effect: headache
    • Change positions slowly
  • Morphine
    • Treat moderate-severe pain
    • Use cautiously with pts with asthma/emphysema due to risk of resp. Depression
  • Nursing actions for morphine
    • Assess pain every 5-15 mins
    • Watch for signs of respiratory depression, especially in older adults (if respirations are less than 12/min, STOP med, and notify provider immediately)
    • Monitor vital signs for hypotension and decreased respirations
    • Assess for N/V
  • Client education for morphine
    • Notify nurse if N/V persist
    • Only pt is allowed to push PCA pump
  • Metoprolol (beta-blocker)

    • Has antidysrhythmic/antihypertensive properties decreasing imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply/demand by reducing afterload and slowing HR
    • In an acute MI, beta-blockers decrease infarct size/improve short/long term survival rates
  • Nursing actions for beta-blockers
    • HOLD medication if apical pulse is LESS than 60/min & notify provider
    • AVOID giving to pts who have ASTHMA
    • Use with caution in pts who have HF
    • Monitor for decreased LOC, crackles in lungs, chest discomfort
  • Client education for beta-blockers
    • Change positions slowly
    • NOTIFY provider immediately of SOB, edema, weight gain, cough
  • Aspirin
    • Prevents vasoconstriction
    • Antiplatelet agents can cause GI upset
  • Nursing actions for aspirin
    • Use cautiously with pts who have a hx of GI ulcers
    • Tinnitus can be a manifestation of aspirin toxicity
  • Client education for aspirin
    • Risk for bruising/bleeding while on this med
    • Choose enteric-coated form and take w food to minimize GI upset
    • REPORT ringing in ears
  • Heparin/enoxaparin (anticoagulants)

    • Used to prevent clots from becoming larger/other clots from forming
  • Nursing actions for anticoagulants
    • Assess for contraindications (active bleeding, peptic ulcer disease, hx of stroke, recent trauma)
    • Monitor platelet levels and bleeding times: PT, aPTT, INR, CBC
    • Monitor for adverse effects of anticoagulants (thrombocytopenia, anemia, hemorrhage)
  • Client education for anticoagulants
    Risk for bruising/bleeding while on this med
  • Acute MI

    • Complication of angina not relieved by rest/nitroglycerin
  • Nursing actions for acute MI
    • Administer oxygen to maintain O2 of 90%+
    • NOTIFY provider immediately
  • Heart failure/Cardiogenic shock
    • Serious complication of pump failure
    • Manifestations: tachycardia, hypotension, inadequate urinary output, altered LOC, resp. distress (crackles/tachypnea), cool, clammy skin, decreased peripheral pulses, chest pain
  • Nursing actions for heart failure/cardiogenic shock
    • Administer oxygen. Intubation/ventilation can be required
    • Administer IV morphine, diuretics, nitroglycerin to decrease preload
    • Administer IV vasopressors/positive inotropes to increase cardiac output and maintain organ perfusion
  • Nursing actions for dysrhythmias
    • Monitor ECG/vital signs
    • Administer oxygen
    • Administer antidysrhythmic meds
    • Prepare for cardiac pacemaker/implantable cardioverter defibrillator if needed
  • Dysrhythmias (specifically ventricular fibrillation) are the most common cause of death following MI
  • Chest pain lasting longer than 15 min is an indication of unstable angina