Motivation, ability,roleperceptions and situationalfactors (behavior and performance would be low when any one of them is low)
The forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior
Direction: the path along which people engage their effort
Intensity: amount of effortallocated to the goal
Persistence: continuing the effort for a certain amount of time
The natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to successfully complete a task
Aptitudes:naturaltalents that help employees learn specific tasks more quickly and perform them better
Learnedcapabilities: skills and knowledge that a person actually acquired
Competencies: skills, knowledge, aptitudes and other personal characteristics that lead to superior performance
Role Perceptions
They understand the specific tasks assigned to them
They understand the priority of their various tasks
Understanding the preferred behaviors to accomplish the assigned tasks
Situational factors
Conditions beyond the employees immediate control that constrain or facilitate behavior and performance (e.g. time, budget and physical work facilities)
The relatively enduring pattern of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize a person, along with the psychological processes behind those characteristics
Personality Determinants(NN)
Nature: the genetic or hereditary origins
Nurture: the person's socializations,life experiences and other forms of interactions with the environment
The Five Factor Model of Personality(CANOE)
Opennessto experience
A personality dimension describing people who are careful, dependable and self-disciplined
A personality dimension describing people who are courteous, good-natured, empathic and caring
A personality dimension describing people with high levels of anxiety, hostility, depression, and self-consciousness
Openness to experience
The extent to which people are sensitive, flexible, creative and curious
Characterizes person who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive
Conscientiousness and emotional stability (low neuroticism) are motivational components because they energize the willingness to fulfill work obligation within established rules (conscientiousness) and to allocate resources to accomplish those tasks (emotional stability)
Extroversion is associated with performance in sales and management job, where employees must interact with and influence people
Agreeableness is associated with performance in jobs where employees are expected to be cooperative and helpful
People high on the openness to experience tend to be more creative and adaptable to change
An individual's selfbeliefs and self-evaluations (who am I? how do I feel about myself?)
Dimensions of Self-Concept
People function better when their self-concept has many elements (high complexity) that are compatible with each other (high consistency) and are relativelyclear
Self Enhancement
People are motivated to promote and protect a self-view of being competent, attractive, lucky, ethical and valued
People are motivated to verify their self-concept. People will usually prefer feedback that is consistent with their self-concept even when that feedback is unflattering
Dimensions of Self-Verification
It affects the perceptual process because employees are more likely to remember information that is consistent with their self-concept
The more confident employees are in their self-concept, the less they will accept feedback that is at odds with their self-concept
Employees are motivated to interact with others who affirm their self-concept, which affects how well they get along with their boss and coworkers in teams
Self-Esteem: the extent to which people like, respect and are satisfied with themselves
Self-Efficacy: a person's belief that he or she has the ability, motivation, correct role perceptions and favorable situations to complete a task successfully
Locus of Control: a person's general belief about the amount of control he or she has over personal life events
Personal Identity
Consists of characteristics that make a person unique and distinct from other people in the social groups to which he has a connection
Social Identity
People define themselves in terms of the groups to which they belong or have an emotional attachment
Stable evaluative beliefs that guide one's preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of actions
Value system
Hierarchy of preferences
Personal values
Values that exist within individuals only
Shared values
Group of people holding the same values
Espoused values
Values that people say, use and think
Enacted values
The values they rely on to guide their decisions and actions
Types of Values (Shalom Schwartz)
Openness tochange
Value Congruence
Openness to change
The extent to which a person is motivated to pursue independent thought and action, and excitement and challenge
Self-direction - independent Thought and Action
Stimulation - Excitement and Challenge
The extent to which a person is motivated to preserve the status quo, adhere to social norms and expectations, and maintain safety and stability.
Conformity - adherence to social norms and expectations
Security - Safety and Stability
Tradition - Moderation and Conservation of Status Quo
How much a person is motivated by self-interest, the pursuit of personal success, and dominance over others.
Achievement - pursuit of personal success
Power - dominance over others
Motivation to promote the welfare of others and nature, including concern for others in one's life and concern for the welfare of all people and nature.
Benevolence - Others
Unversalism - All people and Nature
Values Congruence
The extent to which a person's values hierarchy is similar to the values hierarchy of the organization, a co-worker, or other comparison