Tony Robbins - To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others
Communication - One of the basic activities
Informative Communication - Presentation of messages that are objective, truthful, and unbiased
Affective Communication - Express their positive and negative feelings
Imaginative Communication - Express their appreciation and fictional messages
Persuasive Communication - Influence the beliefs or actions for others
Ritualistic Communication - Meet social expectation
To inform – impart knowledge
To evoke – rely on passion
Evocative Communication - Use emotion to make a point
To entertain – transmit a feeling of pleasure and goodwill to the audience
To argue – persuade to assent to plausibility
The speaker purpose - Appel to the intellect
To persuade – to move the listeners to action
Informative Speech - According to Osborn (1988) gives rather than asks or takes. Not to change their beliefs
Persuasive Speech - Gronbeck (1994) the process of producing oral messages
Read Speech - Read and delivered word for word
Memorized Speech - Mastered and delivered entirely from memory
Impromptu Speech - Ideas, thoughts and language at the moment of delivery
Extemporaneous Speech - Topics are prepared
Come in the form online journals which are called blogs. Short version of weblog
Explanation Essay - An essay that answers the questions why
Explanation Essay - To inform readers about why something happens
Explanation Essay - Research may be used but is not required
Blog - A personal journal or diary entry that is posted online
To entertain
To instruct
To inform
To persuade
Researchbasedargumentativeessay - An essay that presents a writer's position with support from research studies
Researchbasedargumentativeessay - To persuade readers to accept the writers position
Researchbasedargumentative essay - Research must be used to support the writers claim or position
Research - One element that distinguish the argumentative essay
Research-basedargumentative essay - End product of a research process
Paraphrase - own words
Summaries - provided in the source
DirectQuotations - cite your your source
formal - formal settings such as in school
informal - do not follow strictly a structure
Informal have two sides
Skills needed in debate
You should be a wider reader. Your knowledge of things is not restricted to a single perspective but to many
Speaking - The knowledge you have gained from reading can manifest in your wide vocabulary. Articulate your thoughts very well, pronounce clearly the words
Making a full man is achieved. You are able to express in writing your full understanding of yourself, the world you are in, your views about life, and your perspectives of people
You are able to gain knowledge and wisdom. It is only through listening that you are able to show respect to others
The American novelist F.ScottFitzgerald once wrote about the beauty of literature: “You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong”. Literature connects people to each other through ideas and concepts that are known to them.