Includes zero and all positive and negative numbers with no fractional parts/decimals
Whole Numbers
Includes zero and positive integers
Natural Numbers
Includes all positive integers
Rational Numbers
Includes fractions, terminating decimals, non-terminating repeating decimals, and integers
Irrational Numbers
Includes numbers that cannot be expressed as a fraction, or when its decimal form is nonterminating and nonrepeating
Addition - Same Sign
To add a positive number with another positive number, or vice versa, simply add the numbers and retain their common sign
Addition - Different Sign
To add a positive and a negative number, simply subtract each other and retain the sign of the number with the greater absolute value
To perform subtraction involving negative numbers, simply remember the "Keep, change, change" rule: Keep the sign of the first number, change the sign of the operation, change the sign of the second number, then perform addition
Multiplication and Division
Perform the operation and retain the sign by the rule "even = positive sign; odd = negative sign." If one has multiplied or divided two or an even amount of negative integers, the result would be positive. If odd, it would be negative.
The order at decreasing priority: Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication / Division, Addition / Subtraction
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
The largest factor common to two or more numbers; this can be acquired by multiplying all common prime factors during factorization
Least Common Multiple (LCM)
The smallest multiple common to two or more numbers; this can be acquired by multiplying all prime factors present to both, without exceeding the number of prime factors that have appeared during a factorization of a number
Expressing a number into its factors, commonly its prime factors in a more specific method called prime factorization. The most common way of factorization is by listing the factors and continuous division.
Divisibility Rules
A number is divisible by certain rules based on its digits
Divisibility Rules
90 is divisible by 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15
435,504 is divisible by 3, 9
332 is divisible by 4
25,000 is divisible by 5
624 is divisible by 2, 3, 6, 12
214,116 is divisible by 7
1,000 is divisible by 8, 10
76,491 is divisible by 9
5,269 is divisible by 11
649,416 is divisible by 3, 4, 12
405 is divisible by 3, 5, 15
Proper Fraction
Its numerator is less than its denominator
Improper Fraction
Its numerator is greater than its denominator
Mixed Number
Has a whole number together with a proper fraction
Parts of a whole that may be represented by fractions whose denominators are multiples of 10
Another way of expressing parts of a whole, but this time the denominator is always 100
Another way of expressing division of two numbers for the purpose of comparison, in the form of x:y