Binary fission (single cell divides into two identical cells)
Aerial spore formation
Generation time
The time required for a cell to divide (and its population to double)
Most bacteria have a generation time of 1 to 3 hours; others require more than 24 hours per generation
Logarithmic representation of bacterial populations
Bacterial division occurs according to a logarithmic progression (two cells, four cells, eight cells, and so on)
Phases of growth
1. Lag phase
2. Log phase (or exponential growth phase)
3. Stationary phase
4. Death phase (or logarithmic decline phase)
Lag phase
Little or no change in the number of cells, but metabolic activity is high
Log phase (or exponential growth phase)
Bacteria multiply at the fastest rate possible under the conditions provided
Stationary phase
Equilibrium between cell division and death
Carrying capacity
The number of organisms that an environment can support
Death phase (or logarithmic decline phase)
The number of deaths exceeds the number of new cells formed
Direct measurement of microbial growth
1. Plate counts
2. Filtration
3. Most probable number (MPN) method
4. Direct microscopic count
Plate counts
Determining the number of bacteria in a sample by counting the number of colony-forming units (CFU) on a solid culture medium
Bacteria are retained on the surface of a membrane filter and then transferred to a culture medium to grow and subsequently be counted
Most probable number (MPN) method
A statistical estimation used for microbes that will grow in a liquid medium
Direct microscopic count
Microbes in a measured volume of a bacterial suspension are counted with the use of a specially designed slide
Estimating bacterial numbers by indirect methods
1. Spectrophotometry (measuring turbidity)
2. Measuring metabolic activity
3. Measuring dry weight
Determining turbidity by measuring the amount of light that passes through a suspension of cells
Measuring metabolic activity
Assuming the amount of a certain metabolic product is in direct proportion to the number of bacteria present
Measuring dry weight
For filamentous organisms (fungi and bacteria), a convenient method of growth measurement
• an increase in bacterial nos.
Bacterial growth
Bacterial growth is an ____________________ in bacterial nos.
The normal reproductive method of bacteria is _________ ________________, in which a single cell divides into two identical cells.
binary fission
The normal reproductive method of bacteria is binary fission, in which a ___________ cell divides into _______ identical cells.
Some bacteria reproduce by budding, aerialsporeformation (some filamentous bacteria (some actinomycetes) produce chains of conidiospores carried externally at the tip of the filaments), or fragmentation(a few filamentous spp.)
A diagram of the sequence of cell division
1 sequence of cell division in bacteria
Cell elongates
DNA is replicated
Cell elongates
DNA is replicated
1 sequence of cell division in bacteria
2 sequence of cell division in bacteria
Plasma membrane begins to constrict
New wall is made
Plasma membrane begins to constrict
New wall is made
2 sequence of cell division in bacteria
3 sequence of cell division in bacteria
Cross-wall forms
- complete separation of 2 DNA copies
Cross-wall forms
- complete separation of 2 DNA copies
3 sequence of cell division in bacteria
4 sequence of cell division in bacteria
Cells separate
- 2 identical cells are ganerated
Cell separate
- 2 identical cells are generated
4 sequence of cell division in bacteria
True of False
A new cell is generated from binary fission?
False, the same cell will be produced
• the time required for a cell to divide (and its population to double)
Generation time
Generation time is the time required for a cell to ____________ (and its population to ____________)
Generation time varies considerably among _________________ and with ____________________ conditions.
Most bacteria have a generation time of 1 to 3hours; others require more than 24 hours per generation.
Visual representation of increase in bacterial no. over five generations. The no. of bacteria doubles in each generation.
The superscript indicates the generation; that is, 2(5) = 5 generations.doubles