Unit 4

Cards (59)

  • Political geography: the study of ways in which the world is organized as a reflection of the power that different groups hold over territory (China not recognizing Taiwan as a separate country while the US does)
  • State: a politically organized independent territory with a government, defined bordiers, and permit people
  • State government has power over a population that works to contribute to an economy and is connected by transportation and communication systems
  • Sovereignay: the right of a government to control and defend its territory and determine what happens within the borders
  • If a state is not seen as a country, it is not sovereign
  • Nations: cultural entities, they are made up of individuals who have forged a common identity through language, religion, ethnicity, or heritage
  • Nation-state: The territory is occupied by a group who view veiw themselves as a nation is the same as the politically recognized boundaries of their state (no country is a true nation-state, but Japan is closest example)
  • Multistate-nation: people who share a culture background or ethnic background but live in 1 country(Korea)
  • Irredentism: (attempting to acquire territory in neighboring states that have people of the same nation(Ukrain)
  • Multinational state: a country with many ethnicities and cultures living inside its borders (US/Iraq)
  • Autonomous/semi-autonomous: given some authority to govern their own territories independently from the national government (Hong Cong)
  • Stateless nation: people united by culture, language, history and tradition but not having a state(the Kurds)
  • Self-determination: the right of all people to choose their own political status(the Balkan Peninsula)
  • Imperialism: The push to create an empire by exercising force or influence to control other nations or people (Latin America’s Catholics (Portuguese and Spain))
  • The Kurds live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey but don’t live in one nation. They have been trying for s state, but that would require the neighboring countries to give up some of their land
  • Devolution: when the central power is a state is broken up among regional authorities within its bordiers(Soviet union was broken into 15 states)
  • Colonialism: the practice of a country establishing and maintaining colonies in other parts of the world, typically for purposes of economic expoloition, cultural assimilation, or political control
  • Territiality: The attempt by an individual or group to affect, influence, or control people, phenomena and relationships by delimiting and asserting control over an area
  • Colonialism: The practice of claiming and dominating overseas territories
  • Neocolonialism: the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries especially former dependencies
  • Choke point: a narrow, strategic passageway to another place where it is difficult to pass. Because if size, it holds lots of power
  • Shatterbelts: territorialily and the quest for political power that leads to invisibility in regions
  • Shatterbelts often exist in areas with long-lasting antagonism between religion, ethnicities, and linguistic groups living there
  • Antecedent boundaries: boundaries established before many people came to the area (border between US/Canada)
  • Subsequent boundaries: drawn in areas that have been settled in by people and where cultural landscapes already exist or are in the process of being established (France and Germany)
  • Consequent boundaries: takes into account the differences with cultural landscapes, religion, ethnicities, and other types. Is a form of Subsequent boundary
  • Subsequent and Consequent are formed due to patterns of population growth of population growth and the growth of culture
  • Superimposed: drawn over existing boarders by an outside force(Africa)
  • Geometric boundaries: mathematical and typically fallow lines of longitude and latitude, or are straight line areas between 2 points (US)
  • Relics: former boundaries that once existed but no longer have an official function (Berlin wall)
  • Defining: countries explicitly state in legally binding documentation, such as a treaty, where their bordiers are located, and use reference points to help (Belize and Guatemala)
  • Delimit: boundaries are drawn on map in accordance to legal agreement (US and Mexico)
  • Demarcated: defined by physical objects, such as stones, pillars, walls, fences, etc (US putting up a wall up on Mexico border)
  • Administer: manage the maintainment and how goods and people will cross. Most bordiers are restricted, extent, or closed and no one may pass (North and South Korea)
  • The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS): established rule stating that a countries terriotorial seas extend 12 nautical miles of its coast
  • Exclusive economic zone(eez): extends 200 nautical miles from the coast. Countries have complete sovereighty over their territory seas
  • International boundaries: drawn to define and organize states (within states) (Canada, Japan, US)
  • Internal boundries help form voting districts and draw their unaccordance to the elections
  • Redistricting: a state’s internal political boundaries that determine voting districts for the US house of Representatives and the state’s legislature are redrawn to accurately reflect the new census data
  • Gerrymandering: named after govener Eldridge Gerry who signed a law approving that state legislature distr be drawn in his favor