Political geography: the study of ways in which the world is organized as a reflection of the power that different groups hold over territory (China not recognizing Taiwan as a separate country while the US does)
State: a politically organized independent territory with a government, defined bordiers, and permit people
State government has power over a population that works to contribute to an economy and is connected by transportation and communication systems
Sovereignay: the right of a government to control and defend its territory and determine what happens within the borders
If a state is not seen as a country, it is not sovereign
Nations: cultural entities, they are made up of individuals who have forged a common identity through language, religion, ethnicity, or heritage
Nation-state: The territory is occupied by a group who view veiw themselves as a nation is the same as the politically recognized boundaries of their state (no country is a true nation-state, but Japan is closest example)
Multistate-nation: people who share a culture background or ethnic background but live in 1 country(Korea)
Irredentism: (attempting to acquire territory in neighboring states that have people of the same nation(Ukrain)
Multinational state: a country with many ethnicities and cultures living inside its borders (US/Iraq)
Autonomous/semi-autonomous: given some authority to govern their own territories independently from the national government (Hong Cong)
Stateless nation: people united by culture, language, history and tradition but not having a state(theKurds)
Self-determination: the right of all people to choose their own political status(the Balkan Peninsula)
Imperialism: The push to create an empire by exercising force or influence to control other nations or people (Latin America’s Catholics (Portuguese and Spain))
The Kurds live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey but don’t live in one nation. They have been trying for s state, but that would require the neighboring countries to give up some of their land
Devolution: when the central power is a state is broken up among regional authorities within its bordiers(Soviet union was broken into 15 states)
Colonialism: the practice of a country establishing and maintaining colonies in other parts of the world, typically for purposes of economic expoloition, cultural assimilation, or political control
Territiality: The attempt by an individual or group to affect, influence, or control people, phenomena and relationships by delimiting and asserting control over an area
Colonialism: The practice of claiming and dominating overseasterritories
Neocolonialism: the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries especially former dependencies
Choke point: a narrow, strategic passageway to another place where it is difficult to pass. Because if size, it holds lots of power
Shatterbelts: territorialily and the quest for political power that leads to invisibility in regions
Shatterbelts often exist in areas with long-lasting antagonism between religion, ethnicities, and linguistic groups living there
Antecedent boundaries: boundaries established before many people came to the area (border between US/Canada)
Subsequent boundaries: drawn in areas that have been settled in by people and where cultural landscapes already exist or are in the process of being established (France and Germany)
Consequent boundaries: takes into account the differences with cultural landscapes, religion, ethnicities, and other types. Is a form of Subsequent boundary
Subsequent and Consequent are formed due to patterns of population growth of population growth and the growth of culture
Superimposed: drawn over existing boarders by an outside force(Africa)
Geometric boundaries: mathematical and typically fallow lines of longitude and latitude, or are straight line areas between 2 points (US)
Relics: former boundaries that once existed but no longer have an official function (Berlin wall)
Defining: countries explicitly state in legally binding documentation, such as a treaty, where their bordiers are located, and use reference points to help (Belize and Guatemala)
Delimit:boundaries are drawn on map in accordance to legal agreement (US and Mexico)
Demarcated: defined by physical objects, such as stones, pillars, walls, fences, etc (US putting up a wall up on Mexico border)
Administer: manage the maintainment and how goods and people will cross. Most bordiers are restricted, extent, or closed and no one may pass (North and South Korea)
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS): established rule stating that a countries terriotorial seas extend 12 nautical miles of its coast
Exclusive economic zone(eez): extends 200 nautical miles from the coast. Countries have complete sovereighty over their territory seas
International boundaries: drawn to define and organize states (within states) (Canada, Japan, US)
Internal boundries help form voting districts and draw their unaccordance to the elections
Redistricting: a state’s internal political boundaries that determine voting districts for the US house of Representatives and the state’s legislature are redrawn to accurately reflect the new census data
Gerrymandering: named after govener Eldridge Gerry who signed a law approving that state legislature distr be drawn in his favor