Cards (578)

  • Community organization and health/health programs in the Philippines
    The science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort
  • For maintaining good health
    • Environmental sanitation
    • Control of community infection
    • Education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene
    • Organization of medical and nursing services for early diagnosis and preventive treatment of diseases
    • Development of social machinery which will ensure everyone as standard living adequate for maintenance of life
  • Two broad areas of preventive medicine
    • Public Health - includes programs and activities directed at community level and will benefit everyone or individuals who are not currently under the care of physician.
  • Health
    A status of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity regarded as person's physical and psychological capacity to establish and maintain balance
  • Aspects of Health
    • Social Health - refers to ways a person feels, think and acts towards everybody around him
  • Health or disease
    • Expressions of the success or failure of a person to respond adaptively to environmental challenge
  • Determinants of Health
    • Income and social status
    • Education
    • Physical environment
    • Employment and working conditions
    • Social support networks
    • Culture
    • Genetics
    • Personal behavior and coping skills
    • Health services
    • Gender
  • Primary Health Care (PHC) as an approach to delivery of health care services
    Essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage of development
  • Elements/Components of PHC
    • Environmental sanitation
    • Control of communicable disease
    • Immunization
    • Health Education
    • MCH and Family Planning
    • Adequate Food and Proper Nutrition
    • Provision of Medical Care and Emergency Treatment
    • Treatment of Locally Endemic Diseases
    • Provision of Essential Drugs
  • Four Cornerstones/Pillars in PHC
    • Active community participation (analysis, planning)
    • Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
    • Use of appropriate technology
    • Support mechanism made available (interventions supporting by government)
  • Levels of Health Care Referral System
    • Primary Level of Care - health care provided by center physicians, public health nurse, rural midwives, barangay health workers, traditional healers
  • Concept of Community Health
    Working together to help people help themselves, not merely to survive but also achieve the maximum potential
  • Four priorities in Public Health
    • Survival of man
    • Prevention of condition which lead to destruction or retardation of human function and potential in the years of life
    • Achievement of human potential and prevention of the loss of productivity of young adults and those on the middle period of life
    • Improvement of the quality of life, especially in the later years
  • Health Resources in the Philippines
    • Rural Health Unit (RHU) and their sub-centers
    • Chest clinics, Malaria Eradication Units and Schistosomiasis Control Unit
    • Tuberculosis clinics and Hospitals of the PTBs
    • Private Clinics
    • Clinics run by PMA
    • Community Hospitals and Health services Centers run by Philippine Medical Care Commission (PMCC)
    • Voluntary Health Facilities run by religious and civic groups
  • Three divisions of Health Care Delivery System in the Philippines
    • Government
    • Mixed Sectors
    • Private Sectors
  • Responsibilities of the Department of Health (DOH)
    • Ensuring access to basic health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care
    • Formulation and development of national health policies, guidelines, standards and manual operation for health services and programs
    • Issuance of rules and regulations, licenses and accreditation
    • Promulgation of the national standards, goals, priorities and indicators
    • Development of special health programs and projects
  • Health Programs in the Philippines
    • Adolescent and Youth Health and Development Program (AYHDP)
    • Botika ng Barangay
    • Promotion of Breast-feeding program/ Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (MBFHI)
    • Cancer Control Program
    • Diabetes Control Program
    • Dengue Control Program
    • Dental Health Program
    • Emerging Disease Control Program
    • Environmental Health
    • Expanded program on Immunization
    • Family Planning
  • Adolescent and Youth Health and Development Program (AYHDP)

    The program shall remain focus on addressing the following health concerns regardless of their sex, race and socioeconomic background: Growth and Development concerns, Nutrition, Physical, Mental and emotional status; Reproductive health Sexuality, Reproductive Tract infection (STD, HIV/AIDS); Responsible parenthood, Maternal and Child health; Communicable diseases, Diarrhea, DHF, Measles Malaria; Mental Health Substance use and abuse; Intentional /non-intentional injuries Disability
  • Botika ng Barangay
    A drug outlet manage by a legitimate community organization (CO/non-government Organization (NGO) and/or Local Government Unit (LGU), with a trained operator and a supervising pharmacist specifically established in accordance with Administrative Order No. 144 s. 2004. The BnB outlet should be initially identified, evaluate and selected by the Concerned Center for Health Development (CHD), approved by the National Drug-Policy-Pharmaceutical Management Unit (NDP-PMU 50), and specifically licensed by the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) to sell, distribute, offer for sale and/or make available low-priced generic home remedies, over-the counter (OTC) drugs and (2) selected, publicity-known prescription antibiotic drugs.
  • Promotion of Breast-feeding program/ Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (MBFHI)
    The Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative is the main strategy to transform all hospitals with maternity and new born services into facilities which fully protect, promote, support breast feeding and rooming-in practices. To sustain this initiative, the field health personnel has to provide antenatal assistance and breastfeeding counseling to pregnant and lactating mothers as well as to the breastfeeding support groups in the community; there should also be continuous orientation and re-orientation/updates to newly hired and old personnel, respectively, in support of this initiative.
  • Cancer Control Program
    The Philippines Cancer Control Program, begun in 1988, is an integrated approach utilizing primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in different regions of the country at both hospital and community levels. Six lead Cancers (lung, breast, liver, cervix, oral cavity, colon and rectum) are discussed.
  • Diabetes Control Program
    Diabetes is a serious chronic metabolic disease characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels associated with long term damage and failure or organs functions, especially the eyes, the kidneys, the nerves, the heart and blood vessels. In diabetic, blood sugar reaches a dangerously high level which leads to complications: Blindness, Kidney failure, Stroke, Heart attack, Wounds that would not heal, Impotence. What can you do to control your blood sugar? 1. Diet therapy, 2. Exercise, 3. Control your weight, 4. Quit smoking.
  • Types of Diabetes
    • Type I - no insulin/ insulin dependent, family history, genetics
    • Type II - non-insulin dependent, insulin didn't respond
  • Dengue Control Program
    The thrust of the Dengue Control Program is directed towards community-based prevention and control in endemic areas. Major strategy is advocacy and promotion, particularly the Four O'clock Habit which was adopted by most LGUs. This is a nationwide, continuous and concerted effort to eliminate the breeding places of Aedes aegypti. Other initiatives are dissemination of IEC materials and tri-media coverage.
  • (4 to 10 days of incubation to Dengue)
  • Dental Health Program
    Comprehensive Dental Health program aims to improve the quality of life of the people through the attainment of the highest possible oral health. Its objective is to prevent and control dental diseases and conditions like dental carries and periodontal diseases thus reducing their prevalence. To attain orally fit children, the program focuses on the following package of activities: oral examination and prophylaxis; sodium fluoride mouth rinsing; supervise tooth brushing drill: fit and fissure sealant application; a-traumatic restorative treatment.
  • Joseph Lister – pioneer of antiseptic surgery
  • Listerine – antiseptic mouthwash named after Joseph Lister
  • Emerging Disease Control Program

    Emerging infectious disease are newly identified and previously unknown infection which cause public health problems either locally or internationally. These include diseases whose incidence in humans have increased within the past two decades or threaten to increase in the near future.
  • Environmental Health
    Environmental health is concerned with preventing illness through managing the environment and by changing people's behavior to reduce exposure to biological and non-biological agents of disease and injury. It is concerned primarily with effects of the environment to the health of the people. Goals: Reduction of environmental and occupational related diseases, disabilities and deaths through health promotion and mitigation of hazards and risks in the environment and workplaces.
  • Expanded program on Immunization
    The expanded program on immunization is one of the DOH programs that has already been institutionalized and adopted by all LGUs in the region. Its objective is to reduce infant mortality and morbidity through decreasing the prevalence of six (6) immunizable diseases (TB, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and measles).
  • BCG- medication for TB
  • DPT- medication for diphtheria
  • OPV- medication for pertussis
  • Family Planning
    The program is anchored on the following basic principles: 1. Responsible Parenthood which means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they might have and when they might have them, 2. Respect for life, 3. Birth spacing refers to interval between pregnancies. Mission - The DOH in partnership with LGUs, NGOs, the private sectors and communities ensures the availability of FP information and services to men and women who need them. Objectives General: To help couples, individuals achieve their desired family size within the context of responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive health.
  • Methods in Contraception
    • Condom - barrier type of contraceptives
    • Long-acting reversible contraception/FIT OR FORGET - IUD (intra-urine device) - t-shape puts in uterus - lasts to 5-10 years
  • BCG
    Medication for TB
  • DPT
    Medication for diphtheria
  • OPV
    Medication for pertussis
  • Family Planning basic principles
    • Responsible Parenthood
    • Respect for life
    • Birth spacing