Introduction to Proposition

Cards (14)

  • A proposition is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but cannot be both.
  • What are the Five Logical Connectives?
    1. Conjunction
    2. Disjunctions
    3. Implication or Conditional
    4. Biconditional
    5. Negation
  • The symbol used to represent conjunction is "and" (∧).
  • The symbol used to represent disjunction is "or" (∨).
  • The symbol used to represent implication is "implies" (→) or "if...then..." (↔)
  • The symbol used to represent negation is "not" (¬)
  • The symbol used to represent biconditional is "...if and only if..." (⇔)
  • Logical connectives can also be represented using symbols called truth tables.
  • Talisay is a city in Cebu

  • 2+3=6
  • She is a Filipina.
  • Ouch!

    Not Proposition (an exclamatory sentence)
  • 3x+2=5
    Not Proposition (x doesn't have a value)
  • This sentence is true
    Not Proposition (a paradox)