
Cards (66)

  • Cognitivism
    -focus on information processing (brain processes)
  • Behaviorism
    -change in behaviour and should be permanent.
  • PPST - means Philippine Professional standards for teachers
  • Assessment and reporting
    -5th domain in PPST
  • Measurement - is a process of quantifying the degree to which someone or something possesses a given trait i.e. quality, characteristics or feature.
  • Assessment - is a process of gathering and organizing quantitative data into an interpretable form to have a basis for judgment or decision-making.
  • Evaluation - is a process of systematic interpretation, analysis, appraisal or judgment of the worth of organized data as basis for decision-making
  • Test - is an instrument designed to measure any characteristic, quality, ability, knowledge or skill
  • Assessment FOR learning - before and during instruction.
  • Placement - done prior to instruction
  • Formative - done during
  • Diagnostic - done before instruction
  • Assessment OF Learning - done after instruction.
  • Summative assessment - referred to as the assessment of learning.
  • Assessment AS Learning - is done for teachers to understand and perform well their role of assessing FOR and OF learning
  • Non test - is a subjective instrument for assessing students performances such observation, checklist, rating seale, questionnaire, opinionnaire, projective technique, socio-gram, anecdotal record, work sample.
  • Standards-based education - is developed by looking at the standards set by a district, division, or national body involved in school management. These standards are identified skills, knowledge, and dispositions that students should demonstrate to meet these standards.
  • Outcome-based education - is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making
  • TEST - It is an instrument or systematic procedure which typically consists of a set of questions for measuring a sample behavior.
  • NON-TEST -This is a subjective instrument for assessing students’ performances such observation, checklist, rating scale, questionnaire, opinionnaire, projective technique, socio-gram, anecdotal record, work sample, conference and interest inventory.
  • Instructional Uses of Tests
    • Grouping learners for instruction within a class.
    • Identifying learners who need corrective and enrichment experiences.
    • Measuring class progress for any given
  • Guidance Uses of Tests
    • Assisting learners to set educational and vocational goals • Improving teacher, counselor and parents’ understanding of children with problems.
  • Administrative Uses of Tests
    -Determining emphasis to be given to the different learning areas in the curriculum. -Measuring the school progress from year to year. -Determining how well students are attaining worthwhile educational goals. -Determining appropriateness of the school curriculum for students of different levels of ability. -Developing adequate basis for student promotion or retention.
  • Educational Tests - These are tools like quizzes, quarterly tests, and achievement tests that are used to measure the impact of instruction.
  • Norm-referenced Tests - These tests pertain to the use of norm to interpret and describe the performance of students.
  • Survey Tests - These are tests that measure general level of student’s achievement over a broad range of learning outcomes and tend to emphasize normreferenced -interpretation.
  • Power Tests - these are tests designed to measure level of performance under sufficient time conditions, consist of items arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
  • Individual Tests - these are tests administered on a one-to-one basis using careful oral questioning.
  • Verbal Tests -These are tests in which words are very necessary and the examinee should be equipped with vocabulary in attaching meaning to or responding to test items.
  • Objective Test - These are tests in which equally competent examinees will get the same scores or unaffected by personal biases.
  • Criterion-referenced Tests -These tests pertain to the use of predetermined standards or criteria as the basis for interpreting and describing the performance of the students.
  • Mastery Tests - These tests measure the degree of mastery of a limited set of specific learning outcomes and typically use criterion-referenced interpretations.
  • Standardized Tests - These are tests developed by organizations that have a well defined system of administering, scoring, and interpreting. These are made by expert, tried out, so it can be used to a wider group
  • Speed Tests - These are tests that measure the speed and accuracy of the examinee within the time imposed. They are also called the alertness tests. It consists of items with the same level of difficulty but taken with time limit
  • Group Tests - These are tests that are administered to group of individuals, questions are typically answered using paper and pencil technique.
  • Teacher-Made Tests - These are tests made by the classroom teacher, not tried out, so it can be used only by his/her own students.
  • Subjective Tests - These are tests in which the scores can be influenced by the opinion/judgement of the rater.
  • Non- Verbal Tests - These are tests in which words are not that important, student responds to test items in the form of drawings, pictures or designs.
  • Psychological Tests - These are tests that aim to measure students’ intangible aspects of behavior.
  • Clarity and Appropriateness of Learning Targets - Learning targets should be clearly stated, specific, and center on what is truly important.