bioethics quiz

Cards (8)

  • All the principles emanate from this and is considered as the foundation of all other principles according to St. Thomas (Principle of Value of Life)
  • This principle purports to the issue of the dignity of the whole person, which is in essence the integrity of human life. (Principle of totality)
  • The TWO types of Paternalism. (State Paternalism, Personal Paternalism)
  • The Principle of Autonomy is also known as what? (Self Determination)
  • To maximize values and well-being, do not interfere with capable people's choices is an expression of which bioethical principle. (Autonomy)
  • "Physicians may be allowed to make moral decisions for and on behalf of the patient who is no longer capable of making a decision," is an expression of which principle? (Personal Paternalism)
  • In the etymology Autonomy, it means "to govern or rule" What is this? (Nomos)
  • To improve the good quality of health care education is an expression of which principle? (State paternalism)