
Cards (14)

  • what is meant by decomposition?
    breakdown of dead materials into simpler organic matter
  • how do decomposers break down dead matter?
    release enzymes which catalyse the breakdown of dead material into smaller molecules
  • two types of decomposition
    • aerobic decomposition (with oxygen)
    • anaerobic decomposition (not with oxygen)
  • what factors affect the rate of decomposition?
    • oxygen availability
    • temperature
    • water content
  • why is oxygen required for decomposition?
    aerobic respiration
  • how does the availability of oxygen affect the rate of decomposition?
    • as O2 levels increase, rate increases
    • as O2 levels decrease, rate decreases
  • why can decomposition still occur in the absence of oxygen?
    some decomposers respire anaerobically however, rate is slower as anaerobic respiration produces less energy
  • how does soil water content affect the rate of decomposition?
    • decomposers require water to survive
    • in moist conditions, rate is high
    • in waterlogged soils there is little oxygen for respiration so the rate decreases
  • why does decomposition require water?
    water is required for secretion of enzymes and absorption of dissolved molecules
  • how does temperature affect the rate of decomposition?

    • decomposers release enzymes:
    • rate highest at 50C
    • lower temp, enzymes work too slowly, rate decreases
    • higher temp. enzymes denature, decomposition stops
  • how is the rate of change calculated when considering the decay of biological material?
    • rate of change = change in value / change in time
    • value is a measurable variable associated with the decay of the material
  • what is compost?
    nutrient-rich product of the rapid decay of waste biological material in optimum conditions set by gardeners and farmers
  • how is compost used?
    natural fertiliser to promote growth of crops or garden plants
  • describe how biogas generators work
    provide methane gas for fuel through anaerobic decomposition that occurs in animal waste