Right heart deals with deoxygenated blood at low pressures
Left heart deals with oxygenated blood at high pressures
Contraction (Systole): ↑ Pressure → opening of valve in front and closing of valve behind → Ejection or emptying of the chamber → ↓ of volume
Relaxation (Diastole): ↓ Pressure → opening of valve behind and closing of valve in front → Filling of the chamber → ↑ of volume
Normally: Filling = Emptying
Heart Rate & Cardiac Cycle
If HR = 75 bpm, cardiac cycle is 0.8 sec
Systole ≈ 0.4 of cardiac cycle
If HR = 225 bpm, cardiac cycle is 0.26 sec, Systole ≈ 0.65 of cardiac cycle, Diastole only about 0.09 sec
Frank Starling Mechanism: Force of contraction is directly proportional to the initial length of the cardiac muscle fibre i.e. LV end diastolic volume, within physiological limits
Fundamental Rule: Atrial & Ventricular systole cannot occur at the same time
Isovolumic/Isometric contraction: All valves are closed, Rapid rise in pressure, No change in volume
Rapid Ejection: Lasts 0.1 sec, 50 ml blood ejected
Slow Ejection: Over 0.15 sec, 20 ml blood ejected
Ventricular Diastole
Isovolumetric/Isometric relaxation: Pressure falls steeply, No change in volume
Early rapid passive filling: Volume increases by 50 ml
Slow filling/Diastasis: Volume increases by 10 ml
Last active filling: Atria contract to push 10 ml into ventricles
Atrial Events
Atrial Systole: Immediately after atrial depolarization, increases pressure in atria, increases ventricular volume by 10 ml, produces S4
Atrial Diastole: First 300 ms only atria fill, next 400 ms both atria and ventricles fill
Pressure and Volume Changes are inversely related during the Cardiac Cycle
Stroke Volume
Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per beat ≈ 70 ml
Ejection Fraction
Index of LV function, >60% normal, 45-55% mild heart failure, 30-45% moderate heart failure, <30% severe heart failure
Cardiac Output
Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute ≈ 5-6 L
Venous Return = Stroke Volume
Cardiac Pressure Volume Loop shows the inverse relationship between pressure and volume during the cardiac cycle
Aortic Blood Flow, ECG, Heart Sounds, and JVP are all synchronized with the Cardiac Cycle
Heart sounds
Essential in cardiovascular system examination
Heart sounds identification
Depends on position best heard
Changes with respiration & position
Additional heart sounds
Pericardial rub
Pericardial knock
Physiological splitting of second heart sound
1. Expiration: Aortic & pulmonary valves close simultaneously, second heart sound is single
2. Inspiration: Pulmonary valve closes after aortic valve, augmented inflow into right ventricle leads to delayed closure of pulmonary valve, second heart sound is split
S1 (First heart sound)
Caused by closure of atrioventricular valves
S2 (Second heart sound)
Caused by closure of semilunar valves
A (Aortic component of S2)
Caused by closure of aortic valve
P (Pulmonary component of S2)
Caused by closure of pulmonary valve
Examination of arterial pulse is essential in cardiovascular system examination
Peripheral arterial pulses
Temporal artery
External maxillary artery
Carotid artery
Brachial artery
Radial artery
Femoral artery
Popliteal artery
Posterior tibial artery
Dorsalis pedis artery
Characteristics of arterial pulse examined
Rate (normal/tachycardia/bradycardia)
Rhythm (regular/irregular)
Character (normal/abnormal)
Volume (low/normal/large)
Radio (radial/radiofemoral delay)
Pulse deficit
Heart rate - Pulse rate, when heart beats but no pulse felt due to small stroke volume
Pulsus alternans (alternate strong and weak beats)
Pulsus bigeminus (premature ventricular contraction follows a regular beat)
Pulsus paradoxus
Inspiration causes decrease in pulse amplitude, normal decrease is 5-10 mmHg, accentuation indicates pericardial tamponade, status asthmaticus, SVC obstruction
Examination of jugular venous pressure is essential in cardiovascular system examination
Jugular venous pressure
Reflects phasic pressure changes in the right atrium, provides indirect measure of central venous pressure, approximately 8 cm water or 7 cm blood or 5.88 or ≈ 6 mmHg
Measurement of jugular venous pressure
1. Position patient semi-recumbent at 45°
2. Turn head slightly to left
3. Assess vertical distance between sternal angle and top of pulsation point of internal jugular vein
4. JVP = 5 cm (distance from centre of right atrium to sternal angle) + measured distance
Waves in jugular venous pulse
X - atrial relaxation and descent of tricuspid valve into right ventricle during ventricular systole
Y - filling of ventricle after tricuspid opening
a - atrial wave
c - carotid or ventricular wave: bulging of tricuspid valve into right atrium during isovolumetric contraction
v - venous filling of right atrium
Jugular venous pressure
Indicates adequacy of circulating volume, contractile state of the myocardium
Differences between arterial and venous pulse
Carotid artery pulse: no effect on earlobes, finger pressure, abdominal pressure
Jugular venous pulse: moves earlobes outwards, more prominent with finger pressure, more prominent with abdominal pressure, varies with respiration and posture