The process by which the plant makes organic substances (carbohydrates) from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water) using light energy, where light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in glucose
1. Carbon dioxide diffuses into leaf through stomata, dissolves in water surrounding mesophyll cells, then diffuses through cell wall and membrane
2. Waterabsorbed from soil by root hair cells, transported up xylem to mesophyll cells
3. Light energy absorbed by chlorophyll in chloroplasts, used to help CO2 react with water producing glucose where light energy is converted into chemical energy stored in glucose
4. Oxygen diffuses out of leaf through stomata down concentration gradient
A limiting factor, photosynthesis is a process catalysed by enzymes, where increase in temperature till optimum, increase kinetic energy of molecules so increase number of collisions and number of ESCs (enzyme substrate complexes), and at lower temperature we have lower enzymatic activity
Starch is large insoluble molecule so doesn't affect the water potential of cell (glucose small and highly reactive and affects the water potential inside the cells)
To be used in presence of limiting factors such as no leaves and the plant can't carry photosynthesis
Upper epidermis: Transparent to allow passage of light, Protective layer that prevent entry of pathogens, Produce waxy cuticle to reduce water evaporation
Palisade mesophyll: Packed with large number of chloroplast, Cells arranged close together with tiny air spaces, Chloroplast arranged broad side on to maximize light absorption
Spongy mesophyll: Loosely arranged with large air spaces to allow diffusion of gases, Surrounded by layer of water on cell walls that evaporates into the air spaces
Stomata: Allow diffusion of carbon dioxide into leaf, oxygen into leaf, water vapour out of leaf
Guard cells: Control opening and closing of stomata
An environmental factor present in short supply that limits rate of reaction (for plant growth: light intensity, minerals concentration, temperature and carbon dioxide concentration)
Source of carbon dioxide, indicator for CO2 concentration - acid lowers pH, increase in CO2 concentration decreases pH, photosynthesis greater than respiration increases pH