1. Vagina - sperm cells go in first
2. Acidity - some die due to the acidic environment
3. Cervix - they pass through the cervix (opening of the uterus), normally closed, but during ovulation, it opens for the sperm to go in
4. Uterus - immune system produces sticky substances since it thinks the sperm cells are invaders, some get trapped
5. Fallopian tubes - as they pass through the uterus, they encounter the left and right fallopian tubes, some go to the empty tube, and some go to the tube with the released ovum
6. Hyperactive - head of sperm cells alter and they become hyperactive due to the chemicals in that tract
7. Cilia - some get trapped by the cilia or hair cells in the fallopian tube
8. Outermost layer of the egg - once they get near, they squeeze in their body through the outermost layer of the egg
9. Enzymes - they release enzymes to penetrate the thick surface of the egg
10. Zygote - they race to touch the innermost layer of the egg to fertilize it and create a zygote, when a sperm cell gets absorbed by that layer, no one can move or enter anymore