Pyramids and transfer of biomass

Cards (10)

  • what is biomass?
    dry mass of all the living organisms in an area
  • why is dry mass used for biomass?
    because wet mass varies as the volume of water in the organism varies
  • equation of efficiency of biomass transfer
    = (energy transferred/total energy available) x 100
  • what percentage of the incident energy from for photosynthesis do producers transfer?
  • what percentage of the biomass from one trophic level is transferred to the level above it in feeding?
    approx 10%
  • why are biomass transfers not 100% efficient?
    • energy is lost:egestion (removal of faeces)
    • excretion (removal of waste products)
    • respiration (loss of CO2 and water) in which large amounts of glucose are used
    • production of inedible bones and shells
  • how does the efficiency of biomass transfers affect the number of trophic levels in a biomass pyramid?
    the less efficient the transfers, the fewer trophic levels and the fewer organisms in higher trophic levels
  • what is a biomass pyramid?
    pyramid that shows the total dry mass of organisms at each trophic level
  • what is a pyramid of numbers?
    shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
  • why are some pyramids of numbers not pyramid shaped?
    don’t take size and mass of organisms into account