social learning theory.

Cards (10)

  • slt suggests that
    people learn through observation, particularly of their role models.
  • what are the stages of slt.
    attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.
  • what does the first stage involve.
    attention - paying attention and observing others behaviours.
  • what does the second stage involve.
    retention - remembering these behaviours.
  • what is the third stage.
    reproduction - reproducing these behaviours in appropriate circumstances.
  • what is the last stage.
    motivation - continuing to repeat this behaviour and using the idea of vicarious reinforcement - see that person being rewarded for that behaviour in some way makes the person want to keep behaving like that too.
  • what is the supporting evidence for slt.
    bandura, ross + ross found people are more likely to imitate those that are same sex role models more. cook + mineka - monkeys observed other monkeys reaction to a snake and copied this. Carter et al found children are likely to inhibit dental fears from parents.
  • what is the conflicting evidence.
  • what is the usefulness of social learning theory?
    application to media violence and exposure to things that may result in unlawful or immoral behaviour - James bulgar - said they were allowed and exposed to violent video games and bad parent figures.
  • what is the testability of slt.
    can be tested through experiments like banduras.