Dreamer Stage In this stage, ideas can flow freely without fear of criticism or judgment from others. It encourages individuals to explore new possibilities, breaking free from the constraints of conventional thinking.
Designer Stage It provides an opportunity to analyze ideas and explore their feasibility.
Detailer Stage In this stage, potential problems are thoroughly looked for and identified.
entrepreneurial mind frame equips the entrepreneur to be optimistic during a crisis.
entrepreneurial heart flame shows the passion of an entrepreneur in fulfilling their vision and mission
entrepreneurial gut game exhibits an entrepreneur's intuitive side.
Ideation is an essential process that involves the creation and development of ideas.
Opportunity Seeking
There are various methods to identify opportunities. Some individuals can understand the bigger picture by studying emerging trends and patterns.
Opportunity Screening
After searching for opportunities, the subsequent phase is to screen those opportunities
Opportunity Seizing
Seizing opportunities is the ultimate step in planning for a successful business venture.
PESTEL Analysis. This tool helps identify the external forces that can positively and negatively impact the business
meaning of pestel political economic social technological legal environmental
Competitor Analysis. Conducting a competitive analysis is a crucial component of any successful business plan.
SWOT analysis is usually performed before the enterprise is in operation.
Process Innovation is a change in how a product or service is manufactured, created, or distributed to achieve greater efficiency.
Product or Service Innovation involves creating and implementing new ideas, concepts, or
technologies to enhance customer value and differentiate a company’s market offerings.
Disruptive Innovation introduces a new value proposition. It either creates new markets or reshapes existing markets.
patent is a property right granted to an invention by a government agency, like the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Copyrights. The exclusive right to use, copy, and duplicate original content is granted to authors and creators
Trademarks. A trademark is a recognizable symbol, phrase, or logo that distinguishes a product legally from other products