Cards (64)

  • What does Mrs Gren stand for?
    Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition
  • Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition are what?
    Characteristics shared by living organisms
  • What are the 5 Classifications of Species?
    1. P lants
    2. A nimals
    3. F ungi
    4. B acteria
    5. P rotoctists
  • Reasons viruses are NOT considered living things: They have no energy metabolism, they do not grow, they produce no waste products, and they do not respond to stimuli
  • Pathogen: an organism which can cause disease. (Fungi, Bacteria, or Viruses)
  • Do animals or plants store carbohydrates as glycogen?
  • Fungi are saprophytic. This means that fungi feed by excreting digestive enzymes onto food and absorbing the digested products.
  • Please pick what each kingdom stores carbohydrates as:
    A) glycogen
    B) glycogen
    C) sucrose or starch
  • Bacteria cells do not contain a nucleus but have a small piece of circular dna instead, also known as the plasmid.
  • Bacteria are typically saprophytes.
  • Possible options: yes, depends, no [or relevant information to fill in the blanks]
    A) yes
    B) yes
    C) yes
    D) yes
    E) no
    F) no
    G) yes
    H) yes
    I) yes
    J) yes
    K) chitin
    L) cellulose
    M) cellulose
    N) uni
    O) uni
    P) complex
    Q) no
    R) no
    S) depends
    T) yes
    U) no
    V) no
    W) no
    X) no
    Y) yes
    Z) no
  • Structure of Protoctists:
    A) cytoplasm
    B) Food
    C) Contractile
    D) Nucleus
    E) Pseudopodium
    F) Cell membrane
  • Structure of Viruses:
    A) Protein coat
    B) Nucleic Acid
    C) DNA
    D) RNA
    E) Tail
    F) Fibres
    G) Membrane Envelope
    • Viruses are much smaller than bacteria. They are NOT made from cells.
    • They are NOT living organisms.
    • They are totally parasitic and reproduce inside host cells
    • They infect every type of living cell
  • Function of parts of a Virus:
    1. Envelope: To gain entry into cells
    2. The Capsid/Protein Coat: used to protect the genetic information and give the virus structure.
    3. DNA/RNA: different types of nucleic acid that contain the information to build new viruses
  • In fungus, cells join together to form threads, called hyphae. Hyphae contain many nuclei, because they are made from many cells.
  • Fungi do not contain chloroplasts and are instead sapochrytic. What are their cells walls made from?

  • Examples of Fungi: M ucor and Y east
  • Examples of Bacteria: Lactobacillius bulgaricus (used in the production of yoghurt from milk) and pneumococcus (causes pneumonia)
  • What are pseudopodia used for by single celled organisms?
    Movement and capturing food !
  • Pseudopodia are extensions of the cell surface.
  • Examples of protoctists: Pathogenic Plasmodium, which is responsible for causing malaria.
  • Classifications of protists:
    1. Animal like: Amoeba
    2. Plant like: Chlorella
  • What does the cell membrane do?
    It controls what passes in and out of cells, that's why it's important that it's partially permeable!
  • What is the cytoplasm?
    The site of all metabolic chemical reactions
  • What are ribosomes?
    They are present in the cytoplasm for making proteins.
  • What are mitochondria?
    They are present in the cytoplasm for carrying out respiration.
  • Fill in the labels of this diagram of an animal cell:
    (note to self: E is not _____DRION)
    A) nucleus
    B) cell membrane
    C) cytoplasm
    D) ribosomes
    E) mitochondria
  • Fill in the blanks of this Plant Cell:
  • Fill in the blanks of this plant cell:
    A) cell wall
    B) cell membrane
    C) vacuole
    D) cytoplasm
    E) mitochondria
    F) chloroplasts
    G) nucleus
  • In size, Chloroplasts > mitochondria > ribosome. True or False?

  • The cell wall is made up of cellulose and provides structure and support.
  • Chloroplast contains the green colour pigment Chlorophyll and starch grains.
  • The vacuole contains cell sap - sugar and salts.
  • Microscopes are used to view things not-visible to the naked eye. A stain like iodine is used to make the structures of a cell easier to see. A sample is put on a microscope slide to be viewed under a microscope.
  • Label a this microscope diagram:
    A) Eye piece
    B) Lens
    C) Stage
    D) Diaphgram
    E) Coarse
    F) Fine
    G) Base
    H) Light
  • Fill in the blanks :)
    A) 40
    B) 10
    C) 400
  • Levels of organisation (fill in WITHOUT looking at the image):
    Organelle -> Cell -> Tissue -> Organ -> Organ System -> Organism
  • Tissue: Tissue is a group of cells with similar structures working together to perform a shared function.
  • Organ: Organ is a structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perform specific functions