This worldwide phenomenon claiming that Christianity covered up other sources of knowing Jesus – the Gnostic Gospels that allegedly kept the secret of the true relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene
Dedicated archeologist, historians, theologians and biblical experts made their authentic claims against those who attempted to ruin the identity of the real Jesus
Infallible authority in the true interpretation of the Sacred Scripture and the Sacred Tradition of the Church in view of the teaching matters pertaining to our salvation
The Gospels (from the Anglo-Saxon god-spell, meaning "good tidings" or "good news") serves as the most credible source about the person, message and life of Jesus
Became Jesus' immediate circle accompanying him in his journey even after his death, serving as eye witnesses to his miraculous deeds, and listening to his life-changing teachings
Began writing the life and message of Jesus Christ to provide a source of catechetical teaching and instruction for the new converts and communities of faith, to preserve the story of the life and message of Jesus for the future generation, and to propagate the message of the risen Christ to all
It is accepted that Mark is the earliest among the 4 Gospels, and findings by experts revealed details in Matthew and Luke having common origin in the gospel of Mark
No direct evidence from the Gospel pointing to Mark as the author, but Papias of Hierapolis labeled Mark as the co-worker of Peter
Plausible date is before 70 CE, with Rome as the plausible place of composition
Audience is placing a threat of persecution by the Roman Empire, and the revolt in Palestine is viewed as a potential source of trouble
Recalls Peter's confession of faith that Jesus is the Messiah, but Jesus forbids them to tell anyone (Messianic Secret), and Jesus is also portrayed as the Suffering Servant Messiah foretold in Isaiah 53
Matthew is the attributed author of this gospel, which was put to strict examination as an eyewitness account due to its obvious traces from Mark
Most Scholars favor between 80-90 CE as the date of composition, believed to be written in Galilee or Antioch where Jewish and Gentiles lived in Harmony
Matthew was confronted by mixed group of Jewish and Gentile audiences, with conflict with the interpretation of Mosaic law arise
Matthew started with the Genealogy of Jesus as Son of David and Son of Abraham, and Jesus is portrayed as Messiah both in word and in deed
The gospel was traditionally attributed to John, but a closer study revealed that it is written by members of the community or school founded by the Beloved Disciple