Cards (29)

  • Stars are giant spheres of superhot gas made up of Hydrogen and Helium
  • Characteristics:
    • Brightness
    • Color
    • Surface temperature
    • Size
    • Composition
  • 1 light year = 9,461,000,000,000
  • Apparent Magnitude - brightness of stars from Earth's view
  • Absolute Magnitude - Brightness of stars if placed on standard distance
  • William Huggins - found out that the sun is a star
  • Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchoff - figured through spectroscopy that the sun is a big ball of hydrogen gas
  • UDF 2457 - dimmest star from earth
  • Sirius - brightest star from earth
  • 10 brightest stars
    • Arcturus
    • Vega
    • Sirius
    • Rigel kentaurus
    • Canopus
    • Procyon
    • Betelgeuse
    • Achernar
    • Capella
    • Rigel
  • Wolf Rayet 102 - hottest known star
  • Star latte - used to be the coolest star until Wise 1828 + 2650 was discovered
  • Wise 1828 + 2650 - also known as sweater star and the coldest known star
  • UY SCUTI - largest known star
  • Proxima Centauri - smallest and faintest known star
  • Big Dipper - known as "plough"; from Ursa Major
  • Ursa Major - largest northern constellation and 3rd largest constellation
  • Ursa Minor - home to Polaris
  • Cassiopeia - "The Boastful Queen" and the 25th largest constellation
  • Cygnus - "The Swan"; 16th largest and is home to the Northern Cross asterism
  • Orion - "The Hunter"; 26th largest
  • Andromeda - 19th largest; "The Chained Lady"
  • Crux - smallest constellation; home to four bright stars
  • Carina - "The Keel"; home to Canopis
  • Centaurus - "the centaur"; 9th largest
  • Hydra - "The Sea Serpent"; largest and longest constellation
  • Edmond Halley - discovered that stars move
  • There ars 88 constellations
  • Circumpolar - constellations that can be seen all year long