Naturalresources are materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile lands that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain.
Water it is a major resource that every organism needs in order to survive
Earth's surface mainly composed of water by (71%)
There are 97 % of saltwater
There are 3 % of freshwater
Freshwater is mostly inaccessible as ice and little remains as groundwater
Saltwater served as a sanctuary for different marine marine life and provides a wide variety of seafood
Soil is usually the topmost layer of earth, and provides minerals and physical support for plants
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles
Minerals are solid elements that naturally occur in earth
There are two classifications of minerals
Metallicminerals, and non-metallic minerals
Metallic minerals l are those with high specific gravity, and metallic luster
Non-metallic minerals are those that lack metallic properties
Lifeforms have two classifications that are flora(plants) and fauna(animals)
Fossil fuel come from the remains of plants and animals that lived a million years ago
Coal is a black rock formed by plants remains
Natural gas is naturally occuring gas mixture consisting of methane
Geothermal energy is energy harnessed from volcanic vents and hot springs
Philippines is also regarded as the 3rdproducer of geothermal energy
Hydroelectricpowerplants are harnessed energy from flowing water from dams, rivers and waterfalls
Biofuel is energy resource from agriculture bin the for of produce or waste like animal excrements
Nuclear energy is harnessed when an atom is split (nuclearfission) or when atoms collide(fusion)