Target Population - the population of interest; the totality of all units in consideration of the context of the study
Sample - a subset of a population
Census - if the whole population is a sample
Sampled Population - a collection where we get our samples
Sampling Unit - the content of the sampled population
Sampling Frame - a list of units in our sampled population
Observation Unit - this is where we get or extract the information needed
Selection Bias - a bias due to not taking into account all of the population in consideration of the study or containing more elements that are not part of the interest
Measurement Error
When interviewees do not tell the truth
When translations are interpreted differently
Characteristics of the interviewer
Questions are too complicated
Estimation Bias - the technical bias we know from inference
Sampling Error - error because we are sampling; sample is not representative of the whole population
Nonsampling Error - does not depend on the sampling; will always persist