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  • Emergent Layer - has the tallest trees that tower above all other plants, controls how much light and water reach the lower layers.
  • Canopy Layer - is a layer with trees that overlap into what looks like a solid green roof.
  • Epiphytes - are plants that are totally dependent on other plants for support.
  • Understory - where animals and plants live in a difficult environment.
  • Forest Floor - very dark and the air is very still and quiet.
  • The World has 3 major Tropical Rain Forests:
    Amazon Basin
    Congo Basin
    • Malay Archipelago
  • The Philippines has four specific types of forest:
    • pine
  • Temperate grassland - growing in places with hot summers and cold winters.
  • Tropical grassland - growing in places where the climate is hot all year round.
  • Savannah - is the most widely known type of grassland and home to the lion.
  • Desert - they are quite different from the present view because deserts do have carpets of flowers, caves, canyons, and strange rock formations that add to their natural beauty.
  • The world has 12 main desert regions:
    North America
  • Deserts are excessively dry they receive less than 25 cm of rain annually.
  • When rain falls on the desert, some of it sinks down forming a reservoir of water, then this reaches the desert surface an oasis is formed.
  • Temperate forests grow in milder climates, the weather in a temperate climate changes with the seasons.
  • Temperate forests are divided into two categories:
  • Deciduous Forests - home to deciduous or hardwood trees that shed their leaves each winter, these trees produce flowers and spring seeds and summer and spectacularly colored leaves in fall.
  • Coniferous Forest - also known as christmas trees, trees in this forest are conifers also called evergreen trees that produce seeds and cones instead of flowers.
  • Cold, wet climates promote the growth of coniferous trees primarily spruce and fir. 
  • One of the largest biomes on earth is called by its russian name Taiga.
  • Winters in taiga are long and cold and most of the precipitation falls in the summer.
  • Tundra - is a biome with vast polar plane between the taiga and the permanent ice surrounding the north pole
  • The climate in tundra is very cold and dry and most of the water in the tundra is permanently frozen in the soil as permafrost.
  • The marine or ocean community covers about 70% of earth.
  • An estimated 90% of all photosynthesis and release of free oxygen takes place in the ocean.
  • Three major marine communities:
    • coastal zone/shallow ocean
    • open sea surface
    • deep seawaters
  • Coastal zone - has warm and nutrient rich waters that extend near the shallow edge of the continental shelf.
  • Open sea surface or Pelagic - extends from the end of the continental shelf to the vast volume of the ocean.
  • Deep sea water zone -occupies the lowest part of the ocean where it is dark and very cold with little dissolved oxygen.
  • Most deep sea creatures adapt to this zone by having a light glowing property in her body is known as bioluminescence which can attract either a prey or a mate.
  • Freshwater ecosystems are the only places where you can easily get fresh flowing waters.
  • Freshwater Habitats:
  • Freshwater communities have three distinct zones the literal lymatic and profundal.
  • Littoral Zone - is a shallow zone near the shore where aquatic plants live along with various predatory insects amphibians and small fish.
  • Limnatic zone - refers to the area that is further away from the shore but closer to the surface.
  • Profundal zone - is a deep water zone that is below the limits of effective light penetration.
  • Open ecosystems or interdependent ecosystems - are areas that are open to outside and surrounding influences.
  • Estuaries - commonly regarded as a place where rivers meet and connect to the open sea.
  • Estuaries are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth.
  • Estuaries filters sediments and nutrients and purify the water that drains off the land.