Treasury share are also known as re-acquired shares
TS refers to previously issued outstandinvshares that has been re purchased and is being held by the issuing company in its treasury
Ts is a contraequityaccount that reduces its shareholder's equity by the amount paid for the stock
Total number of outstanding shares in the open market decreased by buying back its own stock
Kapag treasury shares while in the hands of the corporatiom cannot vote
Ts are not included in the
ESOs is a company offered plan that gives the employees the right to buy shares of the company at pre-determined price
ESO is an option given to employee to purchase common stocks of the company at a fixed price within a specified period of time
To buy out or acquire ownership takeover
EPS indicates how much money a company makes for each share of stock
Price-Earning Ratio is the ratio for valuing a vompany that measures its current share price relative to its eps
P/E also known as earning multiple
EPS before minus EPS after = ndivideorigeps
Ts may affect the cash flow but they have noeffect on the profit of the
Costmethod treasury shares are recordee at cost regardless of whrther the shares are acquire velow or abpve par or stated value. If purchased in cash the cost is equal to cash payments
PAR VALUE METHOD shares are debited for the amount equal to the par or stated value
Retiredshares are treasury shares that are permanently cancelled and cannot be reissued on the market later thus ut is considered to have no financoal value
RS are no longer listed as treasury sharrs on the companys financial statemnet
Share based payment is a transaction in which the entity receives goods or services either as consideration for its equity intruments or by incurring liabilities for amounts based on the price of the entity's shares or equity
EI is a legally applicable evidence of ownership right in a firm, like share certificate
Fair value of the share less exercise price is intrinsicvalue
Equity settled - receives gpods and services as consideration for its own equity instruments. Based on fair market value
Cash settled SBP, goods or services are paid for at amount that are based on the price of the company's equity instrument
EQUITYSETTLEDWITHCASHALTERNATIVE has a choice to settled in cash or equity instruments
Fair value
The amount for which an asset can be exchanged, liability settled, or an equity instrument granted could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties at an arm's length transaction
Organization expense
An expense account used for services in connection with incorporation
Share/stock option
A right to buy a particular amount of ordinary shares at a fixed price at a future date over a certain period of time
Exercise price
Price which an underlying asset can be purchased or sold when trading a call or put option
Price at which the issuer of a share can redeem a callable preferred share or a bond. Also known as redemptionprice
Grant date
The date at which the entity and another party (including employees) agree to a share-based payment arrangement
Conditions or restrictions that determine whether the entity receives the services that entitle the counterparty to receive cash or equity instruments of the entity under a share-based payment arrangement
The period which all the specified vesting conditions of a share-based arrangement are to be satisfied
Become an entitlement. The vesting date is when the cash and equity instruments granted vest
Share based payment to NON EMPLOYEEs , with perofrmance condition, measurement is based at the lowest aggregate fair value
Shares issued to employee are usually subjwcted to a vesting period before theh can sold
Donated Capital
Assets, shares, contributions given to corporation as gift
Recorded at fair market value DC
DC will appear as share premium
Callable preference shares refer to a varietyof shares that may have been redeemed by the issuer at a set value before maturity date