Module 1

Cards (60)

  • Philosophy in the popular mind
    is something obscure, weird, and idiosyncratic.
  • “Philosophy of Life”
    “The primary vehicle for an
    individual to reach the very
    purpose of lifethe
    pursuit of happiness”
  • No one can define
    philosophy without embracing the
  • The term “philosophy”
    cannot be defined precisely because
    the subject is so complex and so
  • Traditionally, philosophy is defined in
    two fashions:
    Etymological Definition
    Essential Definition
  • Etymological Definition
    The term philosophy came from the two
    Greek words; philos which means
    love, and Sophia which means
    He is the first coined the term philosophy
  • Ancient Greek three concepts of love
  • EROS (Greek erasthai)

    refer to that part of love constitutes a passionate, intense desire for something, it is often referred to as sexual desire
    entails a fondness and appreciation of the other.
  • Philia for the Greeks
    not just friendship, but also loyalties to family and polis – one’s political community, job, or discipline.
    refers to the paternal love of God for man and but extended to include a brotherly love for all humanity
  • Philosophy
    is the love that devotes itself in attaining what is true of reality
  • Pythagoras' three classifications of men
    the lovers of pleasure,
    the lovers of success and
    the lovers of wisdom.
  • wisdom is only possessed by those who has mastered and utilized knowledge for the benefit of the self and society.
  • Essential Definition of philosophy
    is the “search for meaning”. The ‘search’ means to look for something more, to probe, to go beyond.
  • philosophy as the ‘science of all sciences’; as mother of all sciences’, or the “search for the ultimate meaning of reality”.
  • The most significant task of philosophy is to evaluate the totality of the human experience.
  • philosophy
    • is a study that seeks to understand the mysteries of existence and reality.
    • a process of inquiry involving analysis, criticism, interpretation, speculation, and reflection of reality.
  • Philosophy and Other Sciences
    Philosophy and Science
    Philosophy and History
    Philosophy and Mathematics
    Philosophy and Religion
  • Philosophy and Science
    both discuss the fundamental truths about the universe. These fields study nature and life.
  • Philosophy and History
    fields that are dependent on each other. History serves as the breeding ground of philosophy. Philosophy, on the other, defines history and interprets its existence for a better understanding of the past, a clear view of the present, and a more positive outlook in anticipation of the future.
  • Philosophy and Mathematics
    These are both logical bodies of knowledge.
  • Philosophy and Religion
    This means that religion is generally a philosophical culmination of basic
    complex ideas about almost everything both justifiable or not, while philosophy is a religious context that tries to concretize divine
    beliefs, ideas, opinions, facts and supposition in order that the world will be aware of it and believe in it.
  • Major Disciplines in Philosophy
    Social Philosophy
  • Logic
    the study of right and sound reasoning.
  • Epistemology
    the study of the validity of knowledge.
  • Metaphysics
    seeks to explain the fundamental concept being.
  • Aesthetics
    the philosophical study of beauty.
  • Cosmology
    deals with the study of real things in the universe.
  • Theodicy
    the study of God and His nature.
  • Social Philosophy
    the study of human and their relation to society.
  • Ethics
    the science of the morality of human acts.
  • Ethics from its Greek word ethos means a characteristic was of doing
    things od body of customs.
  • Imperatives of Ethics
    Human Freedom
    Existence of God
    Immortality of the Soul
  • Human Freedom
    an inherent human power to actor not to act that makes them responsible for their actions.
  • Existence of God
    Without God’s existence that postulates human’s belief, they
    (humans) find no reason to do good and avoid evil.
  • Immortality of the Soul
    if there is no life after earth where the soul believed to perpetuate life beyond, then good deeds are not rewarded nor evil doers are
  • Moral is derived from the Latin word “mos” which means custom.
  • Ethics, is also derived from the Greek word “ethikos” which means character.