Cards (9)

  • How does the mise-en-scene in Captain Fantastic influence spectator response?

    Binary opposition of the locations of the forest and the city - freedom vs restriction -The forest is represented as tranquil and green, an idolized view, emphasized by the lens flare bloom and the establishing shots. This is seen as a superior life-style rather than the contrasted “over-medicated and under-educated” city life, seen through dialogue - 'What's coke? Poison water'. Jack’s house described as “a vulgar display of wealth and gross mis-use of space.”
  • How does the mise-en-scene in Captain Fantastic influence spectator response?

    Mise-en-scene of the props and costumes used to construct and show the Cash family and their alternative lifestyle - On Noam Chomsky day the children receive dangerous weapons yet are overjoyed, and in the OTS all children are dressed in matching shorts with vests and cammo paint - spectator response to the costume = causing them to be militarized and represent the family as a tribal army who place value in being physically and intelligently superior rather than being socially accepted.
  • How does the mise-en-scene in Captain Fantastic influence spectator response?

    Funeral scene - Organized religion Vs Buddhism, colour Vs black, Ben’s lifestyle Vs mainstream society - Costumes in which Ben and the children turn up in are one of colour, directly juxtaposing them with everyone else dressed in black - shows Ben's contrasting opinions, aswell as his and Leslie's Buddhist beliefs
  • How far do your films opening scenes of your chosen films introduce key messages and ideas?
    Through cinematography - establishing shots of the forest - From the beginning we are introduced to the Cash's off-grid, idiolized lifestyle.
  • How far do your films opening scenes of your chosen films introduce key messages and ideas?
    The killing of the deer scene - introduces us to Ben's controversial parenting, further backed up by the kids having easy access to the prop of weapons and the dialogue - "Dad Zaja's got the boning knife again"
  • How far do your films opening scenes of your chosen films introduce key messages and ideas?
    Through costume - the Cash family children are all wearing the same costume - white vest, blue shorts, cammo paint - militarised unit rather than a family. However, Ben playing with his family in the river suggests they are a happy family unit - performance - splashing, laughing
  • How far do your films closing scenes re-affirm the key messages and values of the film?
    The mise-en-scene of the country house - compromise is necessary, Ben has released that his kids need to go to school and need a stable house to live in
  • How far do your films closing scenes re-affirm the key messages and values of the film?
    Celebrating Buddhist traditions, instead of the traditional Christian funeral, Ben and the children honour Leslie's wishes by singing and dancing whilst cremating the body
  • How far do your films closing scenes re-affirm the key messages and values of the film?
    Cremation scene mirrors campfire scene near the beginning, but this time instead of Rellian does not stand out by playing something completely different than the others - he has accepted that he is now part of the family