Communication Barriers

Cards (12)

  • Communication barriers are obstacles that prevent the receiver from receiving and understanding the sender's message clearly
  • there are two types of barriers. These include internal barriers and external barriers
  • the sender's message must be clear
  • the composition or formation of sentences must be proper. If not it could cause these barriers
  • types of barriers include lengthy and complicated messages, linguistic tones and improper tones or non verbal communication
  • The communication barriers that are caused by our state of mind or other internal issues are called internal barriers
  • factors of internal barriers include disinterest, poor listening skills, emotional senses, different perspectives and views, prejudice or bias and cultural differences
  • Barriers that are caused outside our mind and body and cannot be controlled by us are known as external barriers
  • factors under external barriers include noise, distractions, physical barriers, physical disabilities, non verbal physical barriers
  • Overcoming barriers related to the formation of messages:
    Keep it simple, clear and precise
    use proper language
    Proper body gesture/language
  • Overcoming internal barriers:
    be sensitive
    develop trust
    dont assume
    be unbiased
    good listening skills
    respect cultures
    keep your emotions in check
    proper communication media
    other communication media to overcome physiological problems
    use emojis
    seek feedback
  • Overcoming external barrier:
    proper communication channels
    alternatives for physiological problems
    use emojis
    seek feedback