Cards (9)

  • when did Hubert Walter die?

  • Who does John want to be Bishop?

    John De Gray
  • Who does the Bishops of Canterbury want to Bishop?

  • Who does Pope Innocent III recommend to be Arch-Bishop?

    Stephen Langton
  • Why was England placed under interdict?
    • John threatened the Pope by refusing to allow papal legates to go to Rome
    • John exiles the Bishops of Canterbury
    • John seizes the vacant see
  • when was England placed under interdict?
  • Pros of England under interdict:
    • immediately seized church property
    • allows clergy to buy back property for extortionate prices
    • took priests wives & children hostage to ransom
    • once excommunicated- church land become vacant- falls into royal hands
    • John was making 20,000 marks a year from interdict
    • 3 times more than Saladin tithe
    • John initially used a tillage of 66,000 marks from the Jews
  • Cons of England under interdict:
    • November 1209- John excommunicated by Pope Innocent III
    • Throughout England's time under interdict, John alienates most of his followers
  • England after interdict:
    • interdict lifted- Pope now John's overlord
    • John now under Papal protection
    • £8000 ordered to pay to the Church
    • Pope begins to intervene in the Church
    • Stephen Langton was made Archbishop in 1214