physics - atomic structure

Cards (13)

  • Dalton said that matter was made up of tiny spheres (atoms that could not be broken up

  • JJ Thomson discovered electrons that could be removed from atoms

  • Dalton's theory wasn't right - atoms could be broken up
  • Thomson's model of the atom
    Atoms were spheres of positive charge with electrons embedded in them
  • Rutherford carried out the Gold foil Experiment
  • Gold foil Experiment
    1. Fired alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold
    2. Most particles went straight through due to the atom being mostly empty space
    3. Some were deflected backwards as the nucleus is small + dense
  • Current model of the atom
    • The nucleus contains protons and neutrons
    • Electrons move around the nucleus
  • Isotopes
    Atoms of the same element have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
  • Isotopes
    • Carbon-12
    • Carbon-13
  • All elements have different isotopes, but there are usually one/two stable ones
  • Unstable isotopes decay into other elements and give out radiation as they try to become more stable
  • Radioactive decay
    Radioactive substances emit one or more ionising radiation from their nucleus - alpha, beta, gamma
  • Ionising radiation

    Radiation that knocks electrons off atoms, creating positive ions