GeographicCoordinateSystem (GCS) - used to define locations on a model of the surface of the earth
Coordinates/GeographicCoordinates - allow us to pinpoint exactly where a point or shape is on a graph or map. Written in brackets separated by a comma. They are in 'orderedpair' of numbers which means the order in which they are written is important
North and South - the first number shows us the degree of latitude
East and West - the second number shows us the degree of longitude
Latitude and Longitude - angles measured from the Earth's center to a point on the Earth's surface. The angles often measured in degrees
Latitude - lines run in east-west direction across Earth. Run horizontally around the globe. Designated as 0⁰ and divides the globe into northern and southern hemispheres
Linesofequal/constantlatitude - called parallelsoflatitude (horizontallines). Parallel lines that are at an equal distance. On globes they are circles of differentradii.
Equator - is the longest circle with zero latitude (24, 901. 55)
Great Circle - another name for the Equator
Small Circle - name for the other lines of latitudes
Poles - where the circle shrink to a point
Circle of Equator - divided into 360 degrees (⁰)
Tropic of Cancer - 23.5⁰N of Equator and runs through Mexico, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India and Southern China
Tropic of Capricorn - 23.5⁰S of Equator and runs through Chile, Southern Brazil, SouthAfrica and Australia
Arctic Circle - 66⁰ 33' 39" N
Antarctic Circle - 66⁰ 33' 39" S
Great Circle - any circular line which runs around the Earth at it's flattest point. The largest possible circle that can be drawn around a sphere
Longitude - lines run in North-South across the Earth
Prime Meridian - 0⁰ longitude, line drawn from north to south pole
Magnetic North Pole - region at each end of a magnet where the external magnetic field is strongest. A barmagnet suspended in Earth's magnetic field orients itself in a north-south direction.
Magnetic South Pole - magnetic but this is very weak and hard to identify even if you are near it, as a result magnetic compasses rarely point to it
Time Zone - a region where the same standard time is used
Geomagnetic Pole / Magnetic Poles - North and South Poles