The soil isn't very fertile as heavy rain washes nutrients away. There are surface nutrients due to decayedleaf fall, but this layer is very thin as decay is fast in the warm, moist conditions
Many indigenous people have adapted to life in the rainforests. They make a living by hunting and fishing, gathering nuts and berries, and growing vegetables in small garden plats
Rainforest ecosystems are believed to contain more animal species than any other ecosystem. Gorillas, jaguars, anacondas, tree frogs, sloths and howler monkeys are all found here, and there are also many species of insects and birds
Biodiversity is the variety of organisms living in a particular area-both plants and animals
Rainforests have extremely high biodiversity-they contain around 50% of the world's plant, animal and insect species, and may contain around half of all life on Earth
Rainforests are stable and productive environments because their climate is constant-it's hot and wet all the time. Plants and animals don't have to cope with changing conditions and there is always plenty to eat
Many organisms have evolved to depend on just a few other species for survival-they are specific to a particular habitat and food source. Many species are also only found in a small area
Deforestation (see p.26) and uncontrolled development of the rainforest are likely to lead to the extinction of many species and the loss of biodiversity. The number of threatened species in Brazil increased from 628 in 2008 to 1182 in 2014
1. The warm and wet climate helps fungiand bacteria on the forest floor to decompose dead plant material rapidly. This makes the surface soil high in nutrients, meaning plants can grow easily
2. Plants pass on their nutrients when eaten by animals. The dense vegetation provides lots of food, so animal populations are high. When the animals die their nutrients are transferred back to the soil, making it richer and encouraging lots of vegetation. This is a key part of the nutrient cycle (see p.20)
3. Many plant and animal species have formed symbiotic relationships (where they each depend on the other for survival)
Agouti (a rodent) are one of the only animals that can crack open the hard seed pod of the Brazil nut to eat the nut inside. Sometimes, the agouti bury the nuts- these can sprout into new seedlings. If the agouti became extinct, Brazil nut tree numbers would decline and so could the populations of all the other animals that depend on Brazil nut trees for food or shelter.People who sell Brazil nuts to make a living could also be affected.
Cecropia trees have hollow stems and produce an energy-rich foodstuff at the base of their leaves. This makes the trees an ideal home for Azteca ants, who rely on the trees for food and shelter. Without Cecropia trees, the Azteca ants could struggle to survive. The ants fight off other insects that try to feed on the tree. They also attack lianas, which compete with the Cecropia for sunlight by winding vines around their stems. Without the Azteca ants, Cecropias would be much more vulnerable to predators
Plants have thick wax leaves with pointed drip-tips. These channel rainwater to the point, encouraging runoff so the weight of the water doesn't damage the plant. The leaves' waxy coating also helps to repel the rain
Climbing plants, such as lianas, use tree trunks to reach sunlight
Many trees have smooth, thin barks as there's no need to protect the trunk from cold temperatures. The smooth surface also helps water to run off easily
Large, stable buttress roots support the tall trees' trunks
Plants drop their leaves gradually throughout the year, meaning they can go on growing all year round
Many animals spend their entire lives high up in the canopy. They have strong limbs so that they can move around their habitat quickly and easily, e.g. howler monkeys
Some birds have short pointed wings so that they can easily manoeuvre between the dense tangle of trees, eg, the harpy eagle
Suction cups help some animals climb, eg, tree frogs
Others have flaps of skin that help them glide between trees, eg, flying squirrels
Some animals are camouflaged, eg leaf-tailed geckos look like leaves so they can hide from predators
Some animals are adapted to the low light levels on the rainforest floor, eg. anteaters have a sharp sense of smell so they can detect predators without seeing them
Many animals are nocturnal, eg, sloths. They feed at night when it's cooler -this helps them to save energy
Many animals can swim, e-g jaguars. This helps them cross river channels
The largest rainforest on Earth-it covers an area of around 6 million km, including parts of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
Cattle ranching is the main cause of deforestation in the Amazon-in Brazil, there are around 200 million cattle on about 450 000 km² of pasture
Soy is another commercially farmed crop - up to 250.000 km² of former forest has been used for its production. Rice, corn and sugar cane are also grown
Gold, iron ore and copper are mined and exported to help boost countries' development. Explosives are sometimes used to clear earth, and deep pits have to be dug to reach the mineral deposits
Population growth and migration to the area is putting pressure on the Amazon rainforest, especially as the Brazilian government offers land in the rainforest to poor people from overcrowded cities, e.g. many farmers have been settled along the Trans-Amazonian Highway
The 4000 km Trans-Amazonian Highway connects the Brazilian coast to Peru, Colombia and Ecuador, through the Amazon. New roads built for logging have opened up areas that were previously too hard to get to, destroying and threatening more of the forest
Brazil is losing up to 100 tonnes of topsoil per hectare each year. With less tree canopy to intercept rainfall and fewer tree roots to absorb it, more water reaches the soil. This reduces soil fertility as nutrients in the soil are washed away. Commercial and subsistence farmers are then forced to find new areas to farm, leading to further deforestation
Brazil exported almost $600 million of beef in March 2018
The mining industry creates jobs for lots of people, eg, the Buenaventura mining company in Peru employs over 8000 people
Logging contributes a huge amount to Brazil's economy, but it can destroy resources that countries depend on, eg, timber, and reduce the attractiveness of the area to tourists
Local Brazilian rubber tappers who extract natural rubber from rubber trees have lost their livelihoods as trees have been cut down