In resting adult the heart contracts 60–100 bpm while pumping 4 – 5L/min blood
Located in the thoracic cavity between the lungs and above the diaphragm in an area known as mediastinum
Anatomical divisions of the heart
Base - uppermost portion which includes the left and right atria as well as the aorta,pulmonaryarteries and superiorvenacava and inferiorcava
Apex – lower portion which extends into the left thoracic cavity covering the heart to appear as if it is lying on the rightventricle
The sac that encloses the heart, made up of three layers: outer fibrous layer, a pair of inner serous membranes (parietal and visceral), and pericardial fluid between the serous layers
Heart walls
Epicardium (visceral pericardium)
Myocardium - muscular layer
Endocardium - thin sheet of endothelium that lines the heart chambers
Heart valves
Allow blood to flow in only one direction through the heart chambers—from the atria through the ventricles and out the great arteries leaving the heart
Atrioventricular (AV) valves
Left AV valve (bicuspid/mitral valve) - two flaps
Right AV valve (tricuspid valve) - three cusps
Semilunar valves
Pulmonary valve
Aortic valve
Cardiac cycle
Systole - contraction phase, triggered by the depolarization of cardiac muscles
Diastole - relaxation or filling of blood; repolarization phase
Heart sounds
S1 - closure of the AV valves
S2 - closure of the semilunar valves
S3 - ventricular gallop (often normal in younger than 30 but pathologic in older ages)
S4 - atrial gallop due to the resistance to ventricular filling as in ventricular hypertrophy
Dull, low-pitched sound described as "lub", occurs when the atrioventricular (AV) valves close
Higherpitch than S1 and shorter in duration, occurs when the semilunar valves close
Period in which the ventricles contract, begins with S1 and ends at S2, normally shorter than diastole
Period in which the ventriclesrelax, starts with S2 and ends at the subsequent S1
Heart conduction system
Sinoatrialnode - major pacemaker of the heart, initiating electrical impulses at an intrinsic rate of 60-100
Atrioventricular node > Bundle of His > Right and LeftBundleBranches > PurkinjeFibers